Tuesday, June 14, 2016

Floating Down, Protecting Your Dreams While you Sleep!

Princess Luna coming down from the moon to take a look and help all those who require he assistance! She'll be great at helping, and look so great doing it!
I'm a bit too sick for to make posts, so there aren't any, sorry.

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


The Greatest Superhero!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! AJ looks so cute as Captain Equestria! Hero to all who need saving within' the confines of a certain area!


Sparkling With Snow

Twilight looking pretty cute with her awesomely done wings, and her cute little face! That no mouth thing always seemed cute to me!


The Sparkling Spooky Forest!

Wow! Twilight looks so pretty! I absolutely love the colors here! Love them so much! Twilight being so bright and colorful! It's so awesome! I thought those little ghosts were flowers at first!


Next to the Seaweed!

Twilight swimming along the seaweed! Looking so cuuuute! And looking so happy! I'd love to do some swimming like that! And see those goldfish cracker colored fish too!


The Dress of Poofiness!

The adorableness of this dress never fails to make me d'aaaww! Just look at that cuteness! I love the coloring and shading on her so much! Especially her dress!


Random Image #487

Pinkie doing that stage dive! A Great way to head into season! It's amazing to think that 2015 was 6 months ago! How time speeds by!


Cute Cheeky Little Smile!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwww! Twilight looking so cuuuuuuuuuuuuute! I love the style here a lot! Especially her great eyes!



Apple Bloom is on her way to her great duty! Helping everyone who needs her help, and defeating those evil creatures that like to evil it up around here!


Twilight's Open Style!

Twilight looks like she's very confused about what she's seeing! I wonder what she's looking at! Maybe a yellow wall! I love the wings and the expression on her face is well done!


Generating Energy!

Looks like Twilight is trying her hardest to cast some sort of spell! I know you've got this Twi! You're one of the best magically inclined ponies!


Twilight Loving!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! Twilight looking so cuuuuuuuute! Love that shininess of her mane and her eyes! Love her chest fuzz too!


Looking out at the Morning Field!

Celestia looking so beautiful! I absolutely love the colors, the lighting, the shading, and the style is incredible! Love the color of the sky as well as all the rest of the detail!

Good Celestia given morning everypony!
