Saturday, August 15, 2015

Doing the Arches While you Sleep!

Princess Luna bringing the moon up in a nice way! Flying through the sky! Displaying her magnificent mane as she arches through the sky and back to the ground!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


Apple Taxes

Looks like bucking apples from trees has some more legal work than most might realize! She looks up to her ears in legal work, or worse.... taxes!


The Adorable Smile of Awesome Twilight!

Twilight looks  a little creepy here. I'm not sure what about the eyes make it look so creepy though, but it sure does! And I like creepy looks!


Muffin of Derptitude!

Twilight has either created the derp muffin or is shocked by the appearance of the derp muffin! Either way, this is weird and funny and I love it!


Trying for Best Princess!

Princess Twilight! Being as a best a princess as she can be! She's still got a lot to learn though, like how to not almost start a war with another country! You live and learn!


Magical Twilight Power of Magic!

Twilight is ready to show her great magical power! It's like she's got her key to unlocking her true potential and take out any of her foes!


Random Image #210

I-Is that Shining Armor as a kangaroo? It appears so! Look at that cutie mark! It could be no other pony, err... Kangaroo! With a horn no less!


Magic Staff of Purple Power!

Twilight with her magical staff ready to use it to stave off any sort of enemies and protect all she cares about!


Bloom of Power

Whoa! This is really cool! I love that look on her face! So determined! I also love that super epic looking power she seems to have! I have no idea what it's supposed to be though.


Shaking With Science!

Looks like Twilight's doing some magical testing with that flask! Hopefully whatever in there isn't a volatile substance, and is stable!


Truth Spoken by Purple Smart!

This is nice and the truth! Everyone is important to the world! Even if they haven't figured out what they want to do yet!


Purple in the Light

Twilight gloriously up in the air and showing her great princessy awesomeness! Behold! Best pony in all her greatness!


The Look That Says Good Morning!

It looks like the sun is about to rise, and Celly here is enjoying every moment of it! I love that look in her eye, and the great detail here!

Good Celly given morning everypony!
