Sunday, June 7, 2015

Luna Needs you to Sleep! For... Reasons!

Wow! This is an awesomely done Luna! I love how she's shaded and her eyes look! Along with her amazingly flowing mane!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


AJ Being an Awesome Example!

Yeah! That's the way to do it, AJ! She's a pro at applebucking and now has some strong legs! Able to stop anything, and dish out some strong hits! Ho-ah!


The Great Saving!

Twilight going to save Celestia and stop whatever evil is causing some problems in Canterlot! The princess of Friendship to the rescue!


Mane Nomming Epic Cuteness!

HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGG! Cute little filly Twi's face as she noms on cute little Flutterbat's mane! Hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggg!


The Great Leader, Purple Smart!

Twilight looking awesomely royal here! With her own amazingly drawn necklace and her amazingly beautiful flowing mane of greatness!



Twilight looking majestic, and flowing gracefully in the breeze looking amazing and showing off her awesomeness!


Random Image #148

I think she wants to know why she can't come into the real world. Science Pinkie, science. But I'm sure you can find some way!


Paryin' Hard! Egghead Style!

I love Twilight's birthday dress! To this day it remains my favorite one of her dresses we've seen so far! And look at those awesome moves!


Obligatory Ghost Busters Reference Here

Hmmmm, which parody to go with. Ghost Busters, or Luigi's Mansion.... I'll go with the one I know! I wonder if Egad's invention can handle Twittermites!


Twilight Knows how to do it!

It's always good to do your best! Just like Twi says here! Doing your best is the best thing you can do!


Twilight Looking Mecha Awesome!

Twilight looks awesome in the mech suit looking thing! Another thing from Warhammer 40K I do not understand, but like none the less!


The Starry Eyed Beauty!

Twilight looks pretty! I love the look on her face! Those eyes are so amazing! I love the way her mane and tail are flowing too!


Celly Looking Awesome in the Morning sun!

Celestia flying over a nice lake, enjoying the fresh morning and surveying the land to see if anypony and can possible use her help!

Good Celestia given morning everypony!
