Saturday, May 23, 2015

Luna's got the Moon! That Means Sleep! Most Likely

Luna's got the moon and is having fun with it! I wonder what she plans to do with the moon right now, it could be anything! Hopefully she's going to raise it!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


AJ Looking Great!

I love how she looks in this! The shading and lighting, and that cute look on her face! I love it! Applejack sure knows how to look awesome!


A Critical Question

Hmmmm, what even is critical reading? I know what critical thinking is, but not what the other is. Well I'm sure Twi here knows the difference.


Say who you Love!

After the wallpaper barrage a few days ago it's nice to just have one here! And it's a pretty cool one too! I like the choice of background.


Knowledge can be Dangerous

Learning that fact can always be an odd and maybe even traumtizing thing! I wouldn't know though, I was never given "The talk".


Princess of High Cuteness!

D'aaaaaaaaawwww! A cute happy smile and that adorable crown just makes Princess Purple Smart look soooo cuuute!


Random Image #133

Rainbow looks pretty cool here! This is a very interesting style! That is a nice and adorable scarf around her neck too!


Enjoying a Nice day!

Twilight and AJ enjoying a nice afternoon under a shady tree! Listening to AJ's awesome banjo playing!


The Great and Powerful And! And what?

The Great and Powerful and! Hmmmm, I wonder where the "Trixie" is here. Maybe it's behind things, but for now she's the Great and Powerful And!


Those Crazy Geese?

Hmmmm, what? I guess pegasai here sure can act like geese! I think they wanted her sandwhich or something.


Twilight the Loving!

D'aaaaaawww! How sweet! Twilight reading to Spike and him falling asleep is so cute! Happy Spike and Twilight being motherly!


Magical Unicorn Rage Power!

Twilight looks pretty cool getting ready to knock out spells and energy rays! Showing her awesome power and her own awesomeness!


A Beautiful Thing to Wake up to!

Wow! Such a beautiful picture of princess Celestia! I love everything about how she looks here! Especially the lighting and shading!

Good Celestia given morning everypony!
