Friday, April 10, 2015

Painting Luna Says to Sleep!

A very good painting of Luna is a good way to send you all of to dreamland! Where hopefully the ponies are many, and hug you endlessly!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


AJ the Swimmer!

AJ looks adorable with her mane like that! I wonder if she's trying to swim, or just in shallow water on a beach or something!


Studying for Hugs not Required!

You didn't even need to study to get a hug from me! Of course I'll hug you! You're the cutest all around best pony ever! *hugs Twilight*


Non-Hidden Magic Missiles!

Twilight is a true arcane master! Look at those rapid fire magical missiles! She'll make sure nothing will hurt her friends, or the magic of friendship!


Just Take a Look

This is one of the most amazing pictures I've ever seen! Not just of Twilight, but in general! The lighting here is entancingly beautiful, and saying it's well done is an understatement!


Twilight the Reader of Things!

This is an interesting style! I like it! It's pretty adorable! I wonder what she's cutely reading anyway? Probably some interesting story book, or even a book on old ways!


Random Image #86

This is certainly random alright! Who would expect Spiderman having an injury from climbing up walls! That usually stops him from being hurt!


Dealin' With Explosion!

Cool mares don't look at explo- Okay I've used that one already. Hmmm, maybe something else. I got it! Cool mares don't look at explosions! Deal with it!


Twilight's Spell!

Twilight's simple spells may become more powerful since she's an alicorn. I wonder how often she'd try a simple light spell and almost blind herself!


Sci Twi and Toast!

Twilight is the best with science! She can science anything! Meaning she can prove anything with science! Except Pinkie... That'll take some time.


Twix Trixie!

Now I want a Twix! I haven't had one of those in forever! I need to go get one soon! Now this is Twix I like! I wonder Trixie would feel eating a Twix!


Twilight SPARKLE!

This is one of the most amazing things ever! I can't believe how awesome this is! A very good piece of traditional art and hilarious!


The Brighter Side of the sun!

Celestia just loves starting the morning with some fun with Luna! I wonder how often she has to deal with this sort of ridiculousness!

Good Celly given morning everypony!
