Friday, October 3, 2014

Everyone Should see if They can Sleep Like This Tonight!

Why Discord is sleeping like a cat when he can magically make a queen sized bed I'll never know. I guess there's an art to this.


Goodnight everypony! Enjoy dreamland!

What the!?

..............? What the what is this nonsense!? What! What is going on!? This, this, this, I don't even have words! This is one of the most confusing pics I've ever seen!


Applejack Needs to Calm Down

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! Poor Spongebob! Applejack must think he's a burgler or something! Wait as second, is that Smarty Pants?

I Wonder who She's Fighting

AJ looks like she's ready to bring some beat down! When that time comes! You better get runnin'! She's looking seriously, as in, she's seriously going to hurt you!


An Awesome Chrysalis #1

Whoaly moly! This is awesome! All that detail! It just highlights her amazingness! Those nicely shaded eyes, mane and body! Incredible!


Trixie's new Look!

I'm not sure which Trixie look I like more. Her cape and wizard hat, or this bow tie and top hat. Either way, Trixie looks cute! Like this! And in her usual attire!


Twilight Quote #11

"It's not scientifically possible! You are not scientifically possible!" ~Twilight Sparkle. So many jokes I can make, I'm just going to say: In response to this quote: Said the magical purple unicorn!

Awesome Rainbow Dash #1

Dash in the coolest my well designed flying motorcycle! The background are, along with Rainbow herself, are amazing! I wonder if there's a place like this in Equestria somewhere, you never konw!


Twilight's Moment of OPness

This was such an intense moment! All that magic being transferred into Twilight at once! It was so unexpected! And so awesome!

Supermare to the Rescue!

It's bird! It's a pegasus! No! It's Supermare! Applejack looks awesome! She's the best Supermare! She'll take down any evil pony that threatens Equestria!


Twilight's Groovin'

Twilight is really rockin' out! Even knocking over her stool! It must be some really good music to make her lose sight of actions! Wait, is that a walkman?


Twilight Hoodie

Twilight in a hoodie! She looks like such a cutie! Because she is! Ponies in hoodies are always cute! But Twilight in a hoodie is cuter than the rest!


It Looks Like it was a Tough Morning

It must be a Monday in Equestria, because she looks mad! Then again, who likes Mondays anyway? I know most people don't! I personally don't care! I go to school once a week! Thursday is my Monday!

Good Celestia brought morning everypony!