Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Blasting Through the Night While you Sleep

This is a very very incredible Luna! That amazing aura around here, and that amazing background, and all that detail on her! It's very amazing!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


Feelings Having Feelings

I can definitely see Pinkamena as Sadness! But also Joy! I feel like Pinkie could be both of those! Although I do like seeing Applejack as Joy!


Flowing Through the air

Twilight looks so cute flying around like this! I love her big feathery wings and those awesome eyes! She's become a master with them now!


Cold Truthness!

Well I guess that answers Flutteshy's question! Albeit a very blunt way, but that's better than leading her on, although she could also say "Yes"


The Power From Knowledge is Great!

Twilight looks like an awesome sorcerer! Using her knowledge truly as great power! Along with her own amazing abilities and magic of friendship!


Watching the Stars With Eggheads!

Twilight and Dash looking up at the sky and admiring the stars! I wonder how they've got that telescope staying up there though!


Random Image #322

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! Cute little filly Dash! She looks so cuuuute! I love those little goggles she's got! She's gonna go fast!


The Great Bypass

Look at that amazing scenery! Those mountains, that small creek, and that lovely foreground! This is so incredible! I love hot Twilight looks too, she's enjoying the scene like I am!


Removing the Struggle

I really expected it to be Starlight when this episode came out, and I wouldn't put it past her to be able to go into ponies dreams like Luna!


Sharing the Love

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! This is so sweeeet! This is certainly a duo you don't see together often like this! And I love it! D'aaaaaaaaaaaaww!


The Look of a Different Kind

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! Twilight looks cuuute! I like this style, it's very interesting! The way her mane is, and her eyes and that outline! All very cool!


The Great Swappening!

This is very strange, but very interesting as well! An interesting amount of swapping going on here! I don't quite know exactly what's being swapped, but I like it!


Sending Back a Message

I always wondered how exactly Celestia sent the letters to and back to Twi! I have thought that this would be her method!

Good Celestia given morning everypony!
