Saturday, December 20, 2014

A Night to Calm Down!

Oh no! Luna! I think you may want to evacuate the moon for a little while! To escape the Pinkie Pie astronaut! Don't worry! She'll be gone, at some point!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


Applejack enjoying her name sake!

D'aaawww! AJ looks so cute eating apple slices! Mmmm, apples. Now I want some apple! AJ is best apple sponsor!


The Great and Poweful Falling Object!

Don't worry Trixie! You'll be fine! You're great and powerful! Nothing bad could possibly happen to you! Just watch out where you land, wheels could be anywhere!


A Beautiful Holiday Celly and Luna!

Such amazingness! First off; those eyes! Those amazing, amazing eyes! So pretty and shiny and awesome! Those manes both so expertly lit and given a good amount of highlights in just the right places! So amazing! The Celly side is the best though.


Trixie is Best Azula!

Wow! Seeing Trixie as the evil princess Azula is pretty cool! She looks so awesome with that fire that matches her color! So cute too! I love it!


Twi and Trixie at a Spring!

Twilight and Trixie look like they're having an awesome time together, also they both look so cute in kimonos! I wonder what they've been doing there!


Twilight Quote #77

"Do I look like I speak squirrel?" ~Twilight Sparkle. Uhhhh, maybe? Okay, you don't look like you speak squirrel, but I'm sure you could figure it out with some extensive studying!

That Combo of Types!

Rainbow power crystal princess Twilight Sparkle is just so beautiful! Crystal ponies as a whole are so amazing to look at with their shiny and sparkleness! So just making Twilight crystal, and while she's in rainbow power form is just so awesome to look at!


Twilight Piggy Bank is Best Twilight

Hmmmm, Spike, that's not the real Twi. It may have her mane, and a horn, but it glass, and has a flat snout. I wonder where the real Twilight is right now.


Newspaper Interview!

And that is why when talking around reporters you have to speak VERY carefully, and make sure you don't say anything that could be taken in more than one way!


Wishing a Merry Christmas and Happy new Year!

A nice and happy looking time everypony here is having! Except Spike, because you know, he seems to have gotten coal. I'm sure he can do something cool with that! Considering his a dragon!


A Little Christmas Treat!

D'aaawww! So cute! Taking some candy off the tree! I used to do that too! I still do! Mmmmm! Candy canes! I love candy canes! I'm not sure what those are though.


Celly and Luna Here for you in the Morning!

Happy holidays from Celly and Luna! The two best sister princesses! Take that Elsa and the other one from Frozen! *hasn't seen the movie* These two are much better!

Good Celestia given morning everypony!
