Monday, December 15, 2014

A Graceful lowering of the Moon!

It would be cool if this was how Luna lowered the moon, but there is a bit of a size issue with that. It still would be cool though!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


Twi in the Christmas Spirit!

Twilight looks so cute! I love the way she's drawn here! So adorable in her hat with her little scarf on! Sooo cute!


Applejack the Winner!

Woohoo! AJ won a blue ribbon! In what, I'm not sure! I'm sure though that it's for being the getalongest pony you'll ever meet!


Twilight's Early Magical Prowess!

Wow! After her first day there she already can make her whole family into living puppets! Just look at that talent! I wonder what her parents are thinking right now!


Twi the "Heartless"?

I forgot what she was supposed to be. I can't remember what those things from Kingdom Hearts are called. I don't think it's "Heartless". Either way, Twi looks awesome!


Trixie's Cart of Tricks!

Trixie is ready to show the next town just how great and powerful she is! That place is in for an awesome treat!


Twilight Quote #72

"Look at all these ancient books! A goldmine of information!" ~Twilight Sparkle. Wow! Did she freak out or what? I mean just look at her face! Such happiness!

Twi the Heavy Metal Rocker!

Okay, dark magic, heavy metal Twi is kinda cool. Although I'd prefer normal, non-metal Twilight! But I can't say this isn't cool!


Twilight Sparkle is Best Santa!

Twi, I don't think this is the best want to pretend to be Santa! Actually going and watching ponies as they sleep is not what is supposed to be done!


Celly hug!

A hug from Celly too!? Thanks! So nice! So much warmth! Especially from the pony who raises the sun! Such a cute face to go with an awesome hug!


Twi hug!

Getting a hug from Twilight. My life is complete! Such an amazing thing! So warm and cozy! Considering I woke up freezing cold today I really need some warmth, and best pony has the best warmth!


Poll Results: Merch

Looks like most of you would want, or have a plushie! Good on those who do have a plushie, and I hope those who want one get one soon! Get the results below!


A Cool Morning Comparison!

The sun and the moon are pretty relevant in size here! Same with the princesses here! Pretty cool when you think about it!

Good Celestia given morning everypony!
