Saturday, May 16, 2015

Cute Cheeky Luna Wants you to Sleep!

D'aaaaaaaawww! Luna looks so cute! Enjoying the night sitting on the, um, sky and being adorable! Something that comes very easy to Luna!

Good Luna given night everyponoy! Enjoy dreamland!


The Banjos Have Been Doubled!

Awesome little Tatzljac playing a banjo! That's pretty cool! Not just that, but playing two banjos! Now she's got double the skills!


Tricksy Trixie!

You better believe, she's got tricks up her slee- hmmm, that doesn't work here.... but than again niether does the way she's holding the cards, she's got tricks up sleeves, see her captivate, cause she's powerful and gre-e-e-at!


Wings are Best Umbrellas!

That's so sweet! Yaaaay Twilight! Keeping Spike nice and dry! Although they could just go the castle and stay warm and dry there.


They're Walking Woods!

Twilight and AJ looking in the woods for who knows what for who knows why and thinking to themselves, "It's dark in here!"


A Soaringly Good Wallpaper!

Ooooo! A very nice Twilight wallpaper! I have to keep this one in mind if I ever want to change mine, but since I've had the same profile picture everywhere for about 6 months, I probably won't change my wallpaper anytime soon!


Random Image #125

This is interesting to get for a random image! If you want you an do what the pic says! As for me, it's pretty obvious who I'd pick!


She'll Defend it With her Cute!

D'aaaaaaaaaaawww! Twilight cutely protecting one of the most favorite things! A book! Don't worry Twi! Nothing is going to steal your book!


The Cuteness of That Face!

D'aaaaaawww! Cute little Twilight being so, well cute! Like she's the best at doing! And that blushing! From her awesome modesty!


The Numbers can be Brutal

This is an interesting picture! It relates to a fic where it seems the umber above your head is the amount of lies you've made. Interesting concept, I like it!


Something Something Chemistry

I have no idea what she's talking about this time, but it looks like it has something to do with CATscans and the brain!


Finals, the Final Frontier of the Year

Twilight studying as usual! I hear that it's finals time for a lot of people! All of you should follow Twi's example!


The Solar Radiance! Oh, and the sun is Cool too

Celestia looks so pretty! Being against the light of morning I wouldn't be surprised! Enjoying the morning right in the sky!

Good Celestia given morning everypony!
