Wednesday, December 23, 2015

The Great Night Moony Look While you Sleep!

This is a great Luna! I love all the amazing detail! Especially her awesome wings, and those amazing eyes! I love that background too!

As a reminder there will not be posts tomorrow, but there will be for Christmas!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


Ridin' Like the Wind!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaww! This is awesome! That awesome AJ and Jesse!  I love how amazingly drawn they are! I also love how Jesse is wearing AJ's hat!


Torn Peace Treaty!

Looks like Spike is going to be cold for a bit! Well, maybe if he wasn't a fire breathing dragon! Then again he did fall into an ice like and get sick... Either way! Awesome pic!


Snow Drop!

Twilight looks like she's determined to beat all ponies in a snowball fight! But she doesn't seem to notice a certain cyan pegasus nearby!


Christmas Cutie Socks!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! Twilight so cute and shy! Those adorable sockies and that cute little hat and saddle! She's such a cutie!


The Beautiful Future Glow!

Wow! Twilight's majestic mane and tail flowing ever so amazingly! I love it! Lighting the way to a new world of magic and greatness!


Random Image #338

This scene was always painful looking! An eye full of hoof wouldn't be the most comfortable thing! Twilight is fine though!


TwiTree So Silly!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! She looks so cute and silly! That adorable pony with those decorations on her! Such cute silliness!


Bloom Chart!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! Adorable Apple Bloom and her adorable anatomy! She's such an awesome little cutie!


Bright Light Awesome Twi!

Twilight looks so pretty! I love the amazing style here! Those eyes that amazing shimmering til and mane, the lighting here is so awesome!


Sciencing! All the Sciencing!

Looks like Twilight's doing more science! Exactly what she's doing, I'm not too sure, but it looks look she may be studying Smooze! Either way, she looks cute in her science outfit!


Christmas Present Surprise!

Awwwwwwww! Thanks, Twilight! It may not be Christmas yet, but I always get to open at least 1 Christmas present on this day!


The Great Colorful Celly Morning!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! Celestia looks so pretty! I always love those awesome colors! I love her amazingly large mane too!

Also, it's my birthday today! I'll be taking the day off today! So there won't be post for Christmas Eve, but they're will be for Christmas! Also, woohoo! I'm 19 now! *sobs*

Good Celestia given morning everypony!
