Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Star Filled Night of Grace!

Wow! This is so pretty! Luna flying through the sky with amazing starts behind! I love that shooting star behind her so much! It just completes this!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!



I love Applejack's eyes here! They look so shiny and awesome! I love how her name is here to! I love it! Her mane and lasso skills both are awesome as always!


Looking up at the Destiny!

Twilight looking up at the moon, and seeing what had sparked her great change! Her new friends, her lessons, and her future princesshood!


Pristine and Fancy!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaww! Twilight looks so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute! Getting nice and comfy on her little pillow!


Twilight's Powers of Obscured Light!

Twilight looks so pretty! Even if she does look a little evil! I love her big wings and those amazing eyes and that awesome evil regalia!


Stone Massage

Twilight getting a nice massage from Trixe! It looks like it's a good one too! I'm sure Trixie is skilled enough to do a very good job!


Random Image #368

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww, I'm not sure who she is, but she's adorable flailing around like Apple Bloom! Such a little cutie!


Twi-light Spar-kle

Don't worry Twi! AJ will maybe start to get it! Well at least you know who she's referring too when she's says that! And it's pretty adorable!



D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! Adorable little Apple Bloom! That adorable rawr, and that cute happy face, and adorable blushing!


In the Attic of Knowledge

Twilight sitting and reading in that attic! Finding old books and enjoying reading them! I wonder how many special things are in them!


The Princess of Cute Sitting!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! Twilight looks so cuuuuuuuuuuuute! Sticking her tongue out so adorably! Such a cute pony!


Quill in Mouth, Ready for Notes!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! Twilight's so cuuuuuuuuuute! Those adorable eyes! That very detailed book! And her awesome colored mane and tail! So much awesome!

Thanks Adakkusu-san  for sending it in!


Nice Morning Style for the Morning Princess!

Celestia looks pretty in this art style! I like it! Her awesome wings and her awesomely adorable eyes! Very cute morning sun horse!

Good Celestia given morning everypony!
