Monday, November 24, 2014

I Wish I Could be that Comfortable!

Wow! This must be where Luna sleeps! In some sort of dream zone! Seems like she could literally sleep in there forever! I wish I could do that! But I'd need to be able to stop time!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


Great and Powerful Mares Don't Look at Explosions!

Now this is how you handle some neigh sayers! Or at least, how some ponies do it. I wouldn't recommend it, but this is still cool to see!


Dat Super Cute AJ!

Hnnnnnng! This is soooo cuuuuute! She's got the adorable eyes and that cute little smile! It's just so adorable! The cuteness is too much!


The Newest Daring Do!

Wow! A Daring Do book with the mane 6 in it! Took long enough if you ask me! It's funny to think that this is how Twi is reading it, but I'm sure RD is fan squealing every time she sees her own name!


An old Drawing!

This is the oldest piece of MLP fan art I've ever seen! This pic was posted on Deviantart on Nov. 27, 2010! This is so cute! It's amazing what we see now 4 years later!


Reading for too Long!

Seems like me sometimes! I'll mean, or at least hope to be somewhere I short time, and then boom! I've been there for hours!


Twilight Quote #54

"No distractions." ~Twilight Sparkle. She wanted no distractions, but she got distractions! Just like with me! Distractions seem to come when I don't want them too!

A Cute Little AJ!

D'aaawww! This is such a cute little Applejack! She's got such an adorable look on her face! It's just the cutest thing! D'aaawww!


That Disturbed Look!

The many ways this cute image of Twi looking freaked out can be used and interpreted! Who knows what she's seeing! Could be anything!


The Wonders of Reading!

D'aawww! She looks so cute just laying there enjoying her book! I just love how happy she is! That book looks oddly smaller than her usual books though!


The Twisniper!

Twilight, the most precise Sniper to ever live! Her attention to detail and timing make her unstoppable! Not many have ever not been hit by her! The few who do avoid the first shot, didn't avoid the 2nd shot one second later!


Unexpected Poll Results!

Wow! I didn't expect a tie! I at least expected Wonderbolt Academy to win! Cool! Well this was a tough poll! Get the numbers below!

The Morning of Battle! But Still Morning!

Celestia brings forth another day, so that she and Twilight may battle a great evil of unknown, well, everything! They just know they have to fight, and are on there way there!

Good Celestia given morning everypony!
