Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Luna Under the Moon-a While you Sleep!

Princess Luna looks pretty cool here! I like how it's done here with the background and the look of her mane!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


Enjoying her Awesome Appleness!

D'aaaaaaaaawww! So much cuteness from best Apples pony! I love the amazing detail and the way the colors are in this!


Rainbow Power to the max!

Twilight looks amazing! I love that rainbow power design she has! It's pretty awesome! the flowing mane, they specially colored wings! Amazing!


She Sees Something Nice!

Twilight looks so cute and smug at the same time! Something she can do so well! She sees what you did there! And if you didn't do something, she sees that too.


Alicorn Jokes

Oh Luna! I don't think you're in any position to make jokes! You being shorter than Celestia! Then again, Twi is the shortest alicorn.


Trixie the Jelly!

Trixie seems a bit angry at Twi for something. Maybe Trixie is really jealous of her. Hmmmmm, most likely.


Random Image #143

I have no idea what this is at all, my only guess, is, wait... I don't even have a guess to what this is in the slightest...


Looking Great in Space!

Twilight looks amazingly beautiful! I love this so much! The eyes, they beautiful eyes! Her amazing mane, and those amazing wings!


Waiting in the Library

Twilight looks shocked about something, as well as doing some studying! Maybe she's seeing a huge book! Who knows! It could be anything!


That Nice Smile! Making Your day!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaawww! Twilight looks so cuuuuuute! I just love that happy smile and that look on her face! It's just so cute! Makes me smile!


She's Looking at you Adorably!

D'aaaaaaww! Twilight looks so cute! This vectors layering may be a bit off, but that doesn't stop this from be a cute Twilight!

Thanks Adakkusu-san for sending it in!


Big Book Organization!

D'aaaaaww! Twilight looks so cute stacking those giant books! I wonder what they are about! With the size they are, they're probably some sort of science books!

Thanks Adakkusu-san for sending it in!


Raising the sun in View!

Celestia raising the sun from her balcony, so all those awake right now can watch in awe of her amazing glory!

Good Celestia given morning everypony!
