Wednesday, February 4, 2015

The Rolling Moon Should Help you Sleep!

Uhhhhh, Luna may need some help! Where's Celestia! She's needed at the moon! Or just needs to give Luna some help!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


The Many Faces of Twilight Sparkle!

So many faces! So many cute! Some er.. crazy, and some frighteningly crazy and insane! All these are just another cute and awesome aspect of Twilight!


That adorable Look on her Face!

D'aaaaaawwww! Soooo cuuuuuuuute! Those adorabley cute and detailed eyes! So beautiful! That cute smile! And the fact the whole thing is well detailed is just the best!


This Won't end Well!

Oh no! I have no idea what is in there, or how bad if would be if it drops! All I can really say is I hope where ever they are doesn't blow up!


A Weird Dream, if you ask me!

Twilight may be just thinking about what it would be like to fully rule Equestria. I say this because in no real control situation would she not be full of woke at least 75% of the time. However she does look cute with Celly's regalia on!


She's Hiding Something!

D'aaaaaaawww! It looks like she's hiding something behind that super cute adorable face! I bet blushing and looking like that she could get away with a lot!


Random Image #37

An interesting style is used here with Trixie in today's random image! Looks somewhat detailed, but t the same time not very, this is weird for me to try to describe!


The Team Cheer!

Wow! This is awesome! Only a day after ponies appeared in the super bowl (Which was awesome) for not even 2 seconds, and there is already art of it! The fandom works fast!


The MANE Attraction!

Hmmmm, something is different about these two, hmmmmmm. Aha! Got it! Dat mane color swap! I don't think AJ is too happy with it! It begs the question what was Twi originally trying?


Best hat!

I'd wear this hat so much! Trixie wizard hat, with that I could be The Great and Powerful Flare! Although my ego isn't that big, so i'll just be "Flare"!


Against the Glass

These type of pics where I the pony is against the glass always make me wonder. Has anyone actually broken there screen trying to break in/out? It would be weird if they did!


Twilight's Daily Life!

I just love those style! The way she's colored, the amount of detail, and  the way her eyes look here are just awesome to me!
