Thursday, January 15, 2015

Pinkie Pie is fun, Basically

This is pretty accurate! And Twilight knows it! Not sure how Chirpy feels though. Also, it seems this was a Doctor Who reference, interesting.


Source to Doctor Who scene

Pinkie has Been Twilighted!

Pinkie is the one that looks confused? What backwards world are we in! Well, maybe she said something confusingly smart! That makes sense!


Random Image #21

A pretty cool looking OC! Nice idea for a cutie mark! She must be good and evil! Or the avatar! Not the blue monkey people!


Sudden Boop!

D'aaaawww! I don't think Luna saw that coming! And it's adorable! At first I couldn't even see Twi! Then she pops up with a boop! So cute!



Twilight may have messed up one of her spells! I don't think the wanted to be an draconequus! Or maybe Discord is trolling, either one works!


Twi the Messy Eater!

D'aaww! Always the cutest little eater in Equestria! I wonder where she got those manners though, I would've thought somepony would've taught her or something!


The Morning Sun Princess!

Celly looks so graceful in the morning! Just look at that beautiful mane! Just so amazing! One of the best morning ponies ever!

Good Celestia given morning everypony!
