Monday, November 17, 2014

Try to Have a Good Night!

Well now, I'm not sure if this will give you awesomely crazy dreams, or sanity shattering nightmares! Either way! I'm very confused!

Good Luna bagel given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!

The Question With no Correct Answer

I feel like there is no correct answer to this! I feel like every response I can give will end with me on the moon! So I'll say... please don't send me to the moon!


The Basic way of Twilight!

No matter how many times I see Twilight reading it will never stop being one of the cutest things ever! I just need to make sure she never learns how I feel about reading!


Applejack in Autumn!

It seems that the Fall time really compliments AJ in an amazing way! The way the leaves match her color so well! And her outfit is very nice!


Creepy but Still Cute!

Even the horrifyingness of Five Night's at Freddy's combined with Twi isn't enough to make me stop loving her! I just want to give her a hug!


There can be Only one!

Well, you heard it here! There can only be one Great and Powerful! So Oz, you better start running for the hills! Trixie is coming! There can be only one! (I wonder how many get the reference)


Twilight Quote #47

"My little ponies!" ~Twilight Sparkle. Hearing the title drop made me cringe! It just felt so weird hearing it from them! To this day every time I still cringe a little! It's just so weird!

That's not a Good Idea!

Twi makes the cutest little reindeer! And Dash, mistletoe is not food! It's poison! Looks like a trip to Ponyville urgent care for RD! She'll be fine!


The Cuteness of That Face!

D'aaawww! She looks so cute! I'm not sure what that writing says! But she's so cute with her little glasses! It's just too cute to ignore what ever it says as well! I hope it's not something bad!


Always the Best Wonderbolt Outfit!

Twilight will always have my favorite Wonderbolt outfit as Commander Easyglider! Now that may be because it's Twilight, but I'm sure it's not the ONLY reason. Maybe the biggest, but not the only one!


The Gang's all Here!

At first I couldn't tell what was happening in this beautiful picture. Then I realized that Pinkie went outside for her star, while the others were inside the star! Just adds to the sheer amazingness of this!


The Shock is too Much!

Well, to be fair, ponies do usually have something something that basically guarantees victory! Then again, you guys the patara fusion, which could be considered an almost equivalent to the elements of harmony!


She's Walking on Sunshine!

Awwww! So cute! Celly you're just showing off now! But it's okay! You can show off! You being able to raise the sun and all, seems about right!

Good Celestia given morning everypony!
