Wednesday, November 5, 2014

She's Allowing Another Sleeping Night! Take That Chance!

Nightmare Moon, pretty and strong, gives us the glory that is the night! As long as we appreciate it! She won't try, for the 4th time to bring eternal night! So sleep while thinking: "The night is awesome!". We'll then be fine!

Good Nightmare Moon given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


The Cuteness of Therapist Sparkle Continues!

Dang it Twi! Stop looking so cute in glasses! That adorably smug look on your face! The cuteness is too much! Just love those cute glasses with that cute mane style!


The Cuteness of Socks!

Twilight is always so cute in socks! All ponies are! But Twilight especially! And she's the cutest wearing purple socks! Matches her so well! Making her even cuter!


The OPness of Twilight!

The title of this (Which is "OP Twilight Sparkle") Couldn't be me correct when she had all that magic! She already was OP! Then she was even more OP! Amazing!


She Gave me a Present!

Yaaaay!  A present!? For me!? Hooray! It's not even my birthday yet! It's getting closer, but it's not yet! But still thanks! Oooo! I wonder what it is!


Part of Twilight's Daily Routine!

Twilight loves her morning coffee and newspaper to start the morning! I should start my morning in some Twilight related way! Maybe hugging my plushie as I wake!


Twilight Quote #35

"I'd hate to cause a rift between such gooood friends!" ~Twilight Sparkle. That episode, my favorite episode, was very fun to watch! All that crazy insanity! It was ridiculous!

The Cuteness of Napping!

That's a weird place to sleep! Although she does look very comfortable! And I can imagine the cutest little snoring sounds! D'aaawww!


The Cuteness of the Nerd Look!

D'aaawww! Nerdy looking Twi is so cute! Those cute glasses! The cutely messy mane! I wonder why she's blushing! Maybe because she realized just how cute she looks right now!


Best Cheerleader!

This, is, so super cute! One of the cutest things I've ever seen! Twilight Sparkle is best most cutest Cheer leader! And she's definitely head cheerleader!


The Journey of Snow

Wow! That's a lot of snow! I hope Twi can make it to her destination! She looks cute doing it! And that cuteness will give her strength to keep going!


The Cuteness at the top!

Twilight really loves her books! And she always looks cute standing on a stack of them as if she is the princess of books! Not to mention the cuteness she has with glasses on!


The sun Rises to Start Another day!

Time for the sun to get up! Brighten your day! And make you wake up with it's bright light! The sun, depending on where you sleep, is the ultimate alarm!

Good Celestia given morning everypony!
