Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Don't Worry About the Meteors and Just Sleep

Well, then, ummmmmm..... uhhhhh, I'm sure everything will be alright when you wake up! No need to worry about your house getting destroyed.

Good ummm, Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


A Nice day on the Farm

Applejack and Applebloom on the farm enjoying their surroundings. They look happy, and adorable, always makes me happy to see two of my favorite ponies happy together.


A Nice Twi Songy

Twilight singing a nice lovely tune with her awesome voice! So adorable and so cute, some of her best traits.


Trixie and her Cape Powers

Trixie looking really cool here! I love the way her cape is sweeping around here, looks very nice. I also love her mane, looks awesome.


The Flying Cutie Mark

This is pretty cool! I love how Twi's wings are behind her cutie mark. Like it can fly just like she can, that'd be funny, flying cutie marks.


Twilight Shining and all

A nice Twilight wallpaper, showing her coolness with those wings. I think the color scheme for the background is pretty good.


Random Image #169

These princesses look like they've been messed with for far too long and intend to lay some serious smack down. Hmmmmm, I don't think I've randomed both princess before.


Wolflight Sparkle

Twilight as an awesome wolf is definitely awesome! She'd be the best at everything from hunting, and being able to teleport everywhere.


Pika Bloooooom~

D'aaaaawwww! Apple Bloom! Pikachu! Pikabloom! The epic cuteness is unreal! I just imagine her saying "Apple Bloom" the same way Pikachu says his name, and then hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnggg!


The Journey of Sparks

Twilight and Dash doing on a journey of discovery, or something, I'm not too sure, but it's got to be something cool.


Linux is Magic?

Twilight seems to be learning how to use Linux, I think that's an often joked about operating system, but I'm not good enough with computers to know exactly why.


A Morning for Thought!

Celestia looking up at the newest princess departing Canterlot and going off on her own to do, um, princessey things I guess.

Good Celestia given morning everypony!
