Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Luna Watching From the Balcony While you Sleep!

Princess Luna looking amazingly gorgeous and showing just how much cuteness she has! She looks happy too! I love it!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


Hanging on

D'aaaaaaaawwww! She looks so cuuuuuuute! I will hang in there! Yeah! I know I can manage, especially with this cute AJ telling me to!


Teacher and Student

This is a very nice picture of best pony and best princess! I love the simple, yet very well done way they're colored! It's very nice!


Twilight and the Array of Books!

This pic came with a nice story! Get after the break! D'aaaaaaaawww! Look at that adorable face of hers! So much cute!


Switcheroo of Destiny!

This is an interesting alternate outcome! Image how things would be this way! I imagine not much would really change, but it'd still be cool!


Working on a Solution

Twilight seems to be doing some hardcore equationing here! I wonder what she's trying to solve with it! Looks really hard!


Random Image #187

D'aaaaaaaaaawww! A happy Twilight! It's not often a Twilight gets randomed here! Pretty cool to see it randomed too! One I haven't used yet!


The Adorable Stance!

This is an adorable, Twilight! I love that look on her face and that adorable blushing! D'aaaaaaawww! So much cute here!


Sparkly Bunny Bloom!

D'aaaaaaaaaww! Shiny sparkly, glittery Apple bloom! Looking so adorable! I just want to pick her up and cuddle her so much!


Twikite Sparkle

Twilight seems to have been caught up in Sweetie Belle's kite string. Hopefully she can get out with little hassle on her or the kite.


Learning box!

Well that's certainly a way to get somepony to learn! I know this would work on me! Moondancer better get reading!


It's Twili-Ahhhhhhhh! Oh

Well this is an interesting way to start a morning now isn't it. Fluttershy in an Twilight Sparkle costume. A bit disturbing, but pretty cool!


Actually Creating the sun!

Celestia seems to be very hungry this morning as she seems to be eating some of the sun.... It looks delicious! I bet it tastes like oranges!

Good Celestia given morning everypony!
