Monday, October 6, 2014

Luna is Asleep, That's Your cue to Also Sleep.

Luna sleeping on cloud is cute! I would assume that clouds are very comfy! I wonder if it really is, only pegasai can truly say, and princesses.

Good Luna given night everypony!


Celestia's Story!

Discord looks so uninterested. Then again, it looks like Celestia is being boring, well, to him at least. What he's thinking looks mean, but slightly more interesting.


She's up in the sky!

I like this angle, it's kinda like you're flying with her. I'm afraid of heights, so I wouldn't be with her there, unless I could also fly! But I'd rather be a unicorn.


The Love Doctor is in

Wow! She looks so pretty! Those cute glasses! They just add to her cuteness! Making it easy for her to take my love!


Trixie Should get More Flowers!

Trixie has put an amazing performance! I wonder who got her those lovely flowers? Oh it doesn't matter! She deserves them! Because she is indeed, great and powerful!


A Tree Again Dashie?

I will never understand Dash and sleeping in trees. Even with a blanket and pillow, it still seems uncomfortable. I wonder how many naps she takes during the day.


Applejack Quote #2

"Don't you use your fancy mathematics to muddy the issue!" ~Applejack. Um, AJ, there was nothing fancy about that math, but, you were wanted to prove a point, so I guess I'll let it slide!

Apple ice Cream

With how there are so many apple based foods, I wonder if there really is apple flavored ice cream. She looks cute licking the ice cream!


Twilight Sparkle VS Pinkie Pie

Twilight Sparkle would totally, have a problem, I'm not going to lie, Pinkie would most likely win. Twilight, good luck.


An Interesting Combo

This is an odd, normally I'd call this an abomination, but this is pretty darn awesome. Combining best pony and the awesomeness of Chrysalis, it's not bad.


Twilight Sparkle the Teacher!

Twilight would be my favorite teacher! I'd sit in the front and listen! Granted, I'd probably be distracted by her, so I'm not sure how much I'd actually learn.


Commander Twilight Sparkle

Twilight as Commander Easyglider! I just love it! Seeing Twilight in those shades was so funny! It was so ridiculous! It made me laugh harder than it should have.


Celestia's Morning

I wonder, doe she have to brush that literally flowing mane? Or does it just magically stay nice? Who knows, maybe I should find some good headcanons.

Good Celestia brought morning everypony!
