Monday, June 1, 2015

She'll get to Your Dreams When she Gets Down, but Still Sleep!

This is adorable! But at the same time a bit confusing at to why Luna's being tied to the moon, maybe it's to help her be one with it! I don't know.

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


At the Amazing Gala!

Applejack and Applebloom look amazing here! So happy and cute! Not to mention the astounding detail in this!


Twilight Looking Great with a Sunset!

This is an incredible picture of Twilight! She looks marvelous against the sunset in the background! I love the colors here so much!

Thanks  Adakkusu-san for sending it in!


The Hero Purple Smart!

Twilight  is ready to be the hero that Equestia needs! Along with her great friends! Yellow Quiet! Blue Fast! Orange Apple! Pink Smile, and White Gem!


Twi and Pinkie Causing a Cute Overload!

HNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGGGG! This is so cuuuuute! Cute little baby Twi and Pinkie!

Source (Beware the cute levels)

The Great Cuteness of Celly!

Princess Celestia looking unbelievably magnificent and amazingly gorgeous! I just love this so, so much! It's incredible!


Random Image #142

The CMC seem to have errored here, and apparently the same mistake twice! Poor Sweetie Belle. I can't imagine how or really, just what they were trying to accomplish.


Flowing in the, uh, Space Wind

Twilight in the um, space time place thing where she became an alicorn! This is pretty cool, and nicely done!


I don't know, Spinning, Twi?

I haven't the slightest clue what I'm looking at, but it looks awesome! I think those are wads of paper spinning around her, but I'm not sure.


A Great Disguise!

Wow! There are 2 Twilights! I wonder how that happened! Wait, I'm getting intel that one of them is Dash? Hmmmm, I wonder which one then!


Enjoying Reading Safely!

D'aaaaaww! Cute Twilight reading on a nice comfy bed with a nice light above the book! Now that's a nice safe way to read!


Ready and Waiting, or Just Bored

Twilight looks so cute looking so confused! I wonder what she's thinking about! Maybe her dream of organizing the Canterlot library!


The Relaxing sun Rise!

Celestia relaxing and raising the moon! That's pretty cool! Doing her job, or at least one of her jobs, and enjoying the nice field!

Good Celestia given morning everypony!
