Saturday, February 14, 2015

The Bubbles Will Sooth you Tonight!

D'aawww! Luna blowing bubbles into the night! That's so adorable! I wonder if these is also a Derpy signal. I could definitely see Derpy crashing into Luna!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


Being Sunshine!

D'aaawww! Such a cute and kind Valentine's day card! Now if only I had someone to give this too. Oh well! It's adorable and love it! That's all that's needed!


Best Cheerleader! No lie, and you Can't Deny!

D'aaawwww! Cheerleader Twi! So adorable! I'm sure she's a great cheerleader! No wild dance moves here! I just love this art style! Along with the way she's drawn just being oh so awesome!


All out, Must Make More!

Well that answer my question! They seem better then Cadence and Luna! Also, so that's where most of the doughnuts went, along with the coffee! I'm sure once they've all had some they'll be in a less grumpy looking mood!


Morning Thievery!

Looks like Luna and Cadence aren't the best, or nicest morning ponies. I can't say much, I'm not always the best in the morning! I just wonder how well Twi and Celly are doing!


A Flight of Fancy!

Wow, I derped and forgot to do a 5pm post! So here's one at 5:45pm! This is an interesting style! And I always love the royal shoes! Also I hope she doesn't crash into anything while reading!


Random Image #44

D'aawww! Flutterbat is so cute! A very adorable, very happy picture from the random image button! I love all the lighting in it and how it was done!


Odd Order for Making Cake

Pinkie you know as well as I do, maybe even more that the bowl doesn't go on your head until AFTER you've eaten the batter out of it! Mmmmmm, cake frosting. Now I want chocolate!


A hug for a Knucklehead!

These two are like the best brother and sister ever! Even if there were some problems during the whole changeling attack thing! There's still happy pair, and it's awesome to see!


Twilight and her Steed!

Okay, this is super cute! And super Absol is awesome! Ride mighty beast! Ride! The adorbleness shall guide you two through any troubles!

Thanks to Callie Hawkins for sending this in!
Remember to send me a link to me the picture for a source!
It's not easy finding it from just the image URL! Hehehe!


Absolute Best Princess!

D'aaaawww! Such a super adorable Celly! I just love it! I just want to hug her and make her as happy as possible! D'aaaawww!

Thanks to Adakkusu-san  for sending this in! Also I need to remember to check the E-Mail more!


A Valentine's day Gift!

Because today is Singles Awareness Day Valentine's day! The day of love, I thought I should show my love for Cadence! By adding her as a regular here! Something nice for an underrated princess!


Celestia's Morning Beauty!

This is magnificent! The way her eyes are, the way the light reflects of her crown! The lighting of her eyes! Just so beautiful! I just love this!

Good Celly given morning everypony!
