Saturday, October 25, 2014

She is Allowing you to Sleep! So do so!

Nightmare Moon is raising the moon, but I'm just hoping she will lower it in the morning! I do like to wake up and see light and not darkness! But I do appreciate the dark!


My Favorite Scene From Twilight Time

This was my favorite scene in Twilight Time! And I love how there's a picture of Celestia eating cake, without too much manners! That's okay on both of their parts! They are both too cute anyway!


The Numbers Don't lie

That is a very accurate chart! Her adorableness is very high! Higher than a lot of ponies! She so adorable! And now we have charts to show just how adorable she is!


A Look of Beauty

This is such a beautiful Twilight! The eyes! The beautifully flowing mane! That cute happy smile! And that lighting! Makes it so hard to look away!


An Amazing Twilight Drawing #5

Wow, I have no idea what's happening! But whatever it is, it doesn't look good! The art here, that looks amazing though! The detail and lighting is some of the best I've ever seen!


The Student and Teacher

Twilight being mentored by Celestia in the way seen here is so awesome to see! Celestia is just happy to see her try, and Twilight is doing great at using magic! Such an amazing sight!


Twilight Quote #25

"Why won't anybody be rationale and reasonable!" ~Twilight Sparkle. No pony wanted to listen to Twilight. She was trying to be reasonable, but they were all too stubborn!

I Wonder if I Should

Sure! I don't know why, or where we're going! But You're Twilight Sparkle! I don't care where or why! Let's just go where ever you say!


An Awesome Birthday Surprise!

Twilight Sparkle bringing you cake on your birthday. Best. Birthday. EVER! That'd would be awesome! The cutest bestest pony giving you cake for your birthday! Awesome levels too high!


Nightmare Night try 2

Twilight might be Starswirl the Bearded again for Nightmare Night. Only Luna knew who she was! She might try harder this year!


A Very Cute Design

This is so cute! That is a very cute eye design! It just screams cute whenever you see Twilight's adorable face! I just love it!


Flying Lesson Fail

I don't know, I'm not much of a flyer. Don't worry, you'll figure it out at some point! It may just take a while! But you'll get down!


Celestia Gives you Beauty to Wake up to!

Celestia glimmers in the beautiful light of the sun she has just raised! Showing off her true beauty! Making ponies stare in awe of her magnificence! No one can tell me she doesn't look beautiful here!

Good Celestia brought morning everypony!
