Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Luna on the Moon is Watching!

Luna watching over things while she sits uncomfortably on the crescent moon! I just wonder if she's far away, and it's just forced perspective, or if she and the moon are giant!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!



That's adorable! Cadence doing what she does best! Spreading love and sending hearts to ponies! She always looks adorable doing it!


The Pure AJ Awesomeness!

Now this is an awesome AJ wallpaper! Similar to the Twilight one except for obvious changes! The big one being it's AJ! And I still say the lightning through it is a nice touch!


The Scrunch!

Celly looking a bit suspicious, but adorable! That liarjack face on Celestia is so cute! I just want to boop that cute little scrunchy face!


This Tagging Nightmare.... Is Worth it!

Where do I begin... hmmm. First I'd like to point out dat creepy Lyra in the middle! Along with the fighting over the wheel by Derpy and Pinkie! I personally wouldn't let either of those two drive!


Gaming With Twi!

I know that feel Twi, playing something like Call of Duty and then get killed right when you respawn is super annoying. I also know because I used to do it sometimes! Hehehe!


Random Image #47

Look at that! A G2 pony G4ed! Princess Twinkle Star! Wait.... Princess!? I wonder if she knew Luna or Celestia! Random button must like G2!



Twilight is ready for an epic word to word duel with... somepony! Maybe Trixie, or Mayor Mare! Hmmmm, or maybe she's talking about how she can't see with those on.


Trixie Redefines Magic!

Okay, so you don't do magic, but things better. But what else could that be? Anything involving magic, IS magic! Either way, Trixie looks like awesome like a traditional magician!


The Snooty Princess!

And that's on the list of things Twilight Sparkle would never say! Although I find if funny you can put this on a shirt!


*sniff* *sniff*

This specific part here looks like she's trying to smell something from a distance. I'm just waiting for the smoke from some food to turn into a finger and beckon her to it!


Cereal is Good too!

Twi, I think he'd much rather prefer the coffee but hey! I prefer cereal to coffee! As long as I have that, my morning can start off right!


The First Change to Morning!

The cuteness! Also the oldness! Wow! This picture is over 3 years old! And is gracing this morning with it's presences!

Good Celly given morning everypony!
