Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Luna Being Cute Before bed!

Luna looks so happy! I just love the way her boots and regalia sparkle! So awesome! Hmmm, I need more sane pony dreams. Or just sane dreams in general, I hope this header helps with that!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


Working off the cakes!

That's a way to work off all that cake! Now I'm wondering if there a spell that makes a pony lose weight! But here using treadmill, might say otherwise!


How to Light an Equestrian Christmas Tree

Well I guess this works! I wonder if normally all things that would run on electricity would run on magic! Either way, this makes me laugh!


A Problem With Wings!

Awww, that's right, with her wings the gala dress doesn't fit right anymore! Rarity either needs to add some wing holes, or make her a new dress! They'll figure it out!


That, That Costume

I don't know, you're the one trying to beat Chrysalis in a shapeshifting contest! This, this is you "changing" into, yourself!


A Head in Life!

.... What? What the heck is that!? Twi doesn't know either, and I'm starting to think that Discord was involved in some way! I think the head may be mocking her, due to bad cloneness.


Twilight Quote #73

"My fail-safe spell...failed!" ~Twilight Sparkle. Wow, I didn't think it was possible for a fail safe to fail! Neither did Twi apparently! Only Discord could manage such a thing!

The Confusion of the Book!

I wonder why she looks so confused by that book. It must be on a topic she's not very familiar with, either that, or somepony drew pictures in her book!


Twi, AJ, and the Cube!

Whoa! This is some cool cover art! Haven't slightest idea what any of those symbols mean! But this is some well done art! I wonder how good the fic is!


The All Powerful and Great Princess Trixie!

Princess Trixie Lulamoon. That frightens me a little. But I'm sure Trixie wouldn't let being a princess go to her head! Who am I kidding, it's no longer "The Great and Powerful Trixie". It's now the All Powerful and Great Princess Trixie!


Twilight Needs Focus!

Twi loooks so focused right now, and then Dashie behind her... wow! *reads words in book* Uh oh! Dash don't you dare! Twi looks super cute! Don't blow you tow up!


Twi Gives Pinkie a Mustache!

I guess that's one way to get a mustache! Not sure of how practical it is considering it's another ponies tail, in this case Twilight's. I'm sure Twi could figure something out!


A Morning Begun Right!

A golden looking morning! Thanks to Celly's amazing sun raising prowess!  I like this art style, although one of the front legs is shaped a bit weird, but even that is still awesome!

Good celestia given morning everypony!
