Sunday, November 9, 2014

The Raising of the Moon Means Sleep now!

There's almost always new art of Luna and the moon, but not so much of Celestia and the sun! Come on people! Help best princess out! Aside from that! This is a marvelous picture of Luna doing her talent, and best skill!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


I Wonder What She'll say

Hmmm, it could either be sweet, lovely, and smelling of fresh food! Or horrid, rancid, and smelly enough that when she exhales, all you remember is a moment of stink, then you wake up in the hospital a week later!


Learning Another Skill

Twilight's ready not only to drive! But to learn how to race like a pro! She won't be taken out that easily! She'll know just how to make that car drive fast enough to make you look like a snail!


What no Sleep can do!

Ah, well, I. I don't even know! What is up with this thing! Her neck is like Silly Puddy! So stretchy and bendable!


An Amazing Twilight Drawing #8

Wow, just wow! The amazing attention to detail! The eyes are very well detailed! With the highlights being well sized, and varying! But that blanket detail! It looks real! Like I can touch it! So amazing, as well that the background has even tiny details to notice!


School Time!

Those two I could imagine being good friends as they are both cute and smart! This is such a nice and cute pic of Twi and AJ! Really cute to see them learning!


Twilight Quote #40

"GIVE ME THAT BOOK!" ~Twilight Sparkle. The discored mane six were so mean! (Duh) They really wanted to ruin their own chances of being normal again! Not to mention super angry Twilight is never something good to have on you!

A Nice Night Flight!

Oh Twi, I'm sure Dashie doesn't really think that the moon is made of cheese! I don't think anypony believes that! Well, maybe Snips and Snails, but they're the only exceptions! It's nice to see Scootaloo flying though!


The Peak Points of Success!

Twilight's life as her accomplishments go through the gate of time! Moving forward continuing on to become a better pony every step of the way!


Taking Cover, and Hiding Quick!

Alright, she's got this! As long as no pony blows her cover, she can properly sneak around! I'm not really sure what she wants, or why she's sneaking around, but who cares! I'm sure it's for a good reason!


The Night Life!

Twilight needs to really lay off the hard cider! Who knows how many ponies are watching her, cider fueled stage preformance! I'm sure she'll be fine though!


Learning can Look fun!

Twilight sure knows the cutest way to learn magic! She's seems to be testing the spell a little, singing a little tune, and nibbling on her wing! So cute indeed!


The Heroes who Bring the day, Bringing the day!

The two superponies of the changing day! The Solar Superion, and The Lunar Liberator! Here to bring you the day and night while saving all of Equestrai!
