Saturday, April 25, 2015

Luna in the Light of the Moon Means Sleepy Time!

Luna looks amazing in the light of the moon she has brought! I love the lighting here! As well as the expression on Luna's face!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


Apple Party!

I have no idea what AJ is doing, or why, but it's adorable and I love it!  She looks so cute any that I don't care why she's dancing in a pie tin!


Sleepy Little Twi Taking a Nnp!

Twilight looks so cute taking a little nap! I love naps, I love sleeping! Although I wish I did it less during the day, hehehe!


Fancy Shades!

I'm so used to that mane style that I didn't even notice it. I was more focused on Twi's fancy looking glasses! Noticing the mane style makes this cooler!


The Lovely Look!

Wow! She looks amazing! Normally I don't like this artists art style, but here, Twilight just looks so beautiful! I can't believe it!


Such Contentness!

Twilight looks so adorably graceful here! Not to mention looking so content and just so happy with things! Makes me happy!


Random Image #101

This is one of those times the random image button can be very confusing. I don't know at all who this pony is or the context of this, well, that's what the random button seems to be best at!


The Mysterious Scroll!

Twilight is writing a note! Or a letter! Or just making a list! With this busy pony it can be impossible to know just what she's up to sometimes!


Twi's Mane Style Portrait

This mane style is super popular! I wonder how many people are tired of it. I'm sure not, and probably won't ever!


Taking a Break

Twilight doesn't look very amused by Trixie using Twi like a chair, but Twi does look comfortable! I wonder if I'd be too heavy, although I weigh barely anything.


Adorable Noms!

D'aaaaaaaww! Twilight knows how to look cute! Although I'd rather give her actual food then letting her keep biting her tail adorably.


Poll Results: Which Pony Race Would you Want to be?

Who else but Rainbow Dash would be good for representing the winning vote on the poll! Pegasus! Get the poll numbers below, along with the next poll!


The True Beauty of the Day and Celestia!

This is an amazingly beautiful pictures of Celestia! I love the huge size of the wings to show just how awesome she is! Also those fetlocks look pretty cool!

Good Celly given morning everypony!
