Saturday, October 17, 2015

Luna's Lonely Night

Awwwww, Luna looks sad. Well I'm sure she'll get a nice greeting from her sister about her and her nightmares soon! I love the way her mane flows!

Good Luna given night everypony! I hope you all enjoyed Applejack appreciation day! Enjoy dreamland!


Twilight Cena

So many jokes... so little space... Twilight as John Cena is so amazing! And hilirious! This is an awesome pic, and I love it so much! You can't see her!

In a hat!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! Cute little foal AJ in one of her awesome stetsons! So cuuuuuuute! That would make a great ship for an adorable baby pony!


Jack of all Cute!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaawww! AJ looking so cute and awesome! This is a very pleasing Applejack! Those eyes, her tail and mane! The shading and lighting brings this together nicely!


Ready for the Cold!

So much cute AJ, and this is another pic to add to the cute AJ pile! That adorable face, and those cute eyes and hat! She's ready for Winter!


Cute shy Apple!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! Cute shy looking apple! Trying to hide her cutely blushing face with her hat is so cute! No need to be shy, AJ!


Random Image #270

D'aaaaaaaaaaaawww! This is a cute little pony! I know nothing about her, but I think she's pretty cute! It's always interesting getting OCs here!


Happy to Serve

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaawww! AJ looks so cuuuuuuuuute! That adorable face and outfit! Such an adorably awesome pony!


Apple vs Snow!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaww! Apple Bloom looks so cute as she's worried about sliding down that icy mountain too quick! I'm sure won't hit a tree or anything!


AJ in the Cute Food!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! Cute little AJ in side that food thing! I'm not sure what it is, but AJ is the centerpiece of this cute, and that's what matters!


Adorable Study Apple!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaww! She looks so cuuuuuute! Those adorable glasses and that cute little blushing! I love it! Everything about this is so cute!


Appely Power!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaww! This is adorable and amazing! AJ had one of the coolest rainbow power designs! Her mane, tail and colors are all great!


Young Celly Relaxing!

D'aaaaaaawww! Young Celestia looking pretty and having all the magic of her sister! I say this due to her mane! Well, that's how I see it at least!

Today is also going to be Applejack appreciation day! So expect awesome AJs!

Good Celestia given morning everypony!
