Wednesday, April 29, 2015

In the Sight of the Moon! Waiting for you to Sleep!

Princess Luna looks just perfect in front of the moon! Her natural and best setting! Now if there was some water she'd look even better!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


Running Through the Fields!

Applejack looks so awesome running through the fields getting ready to buck apple trees to start her new day!


How to Make Cute!

D'aaaaaawww! She's so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute! You're an adorable pancake! But don't  go in the ingredients! I need to still make some!


Cute Little Twi Twitch?

D'aaaaaaaaaww! I'm not sure what she's doing but it's adorable! Like a lot of the things Twilight does! I just love seeing it too!


The Power of Fans!

Context is for the weak! I don't need any for this! But some would be nice here! She looks pretty cool! Reminds me of Avatar!


The True Beauty and Amazingness That is Twilight Sparkle!

I love this so much! The colors! The lighting the shading! Her amazingly beautiful eyes! I don't care if her cutie mark is inverted, this is amazing!


Random Image #104

Well this is very strange, Pinkie's face has shrunken! Maybe she eat a lemon or something, or maybe she, is just being Pinkie!


Seto Sparkle!

Hahahaha! This is awesome! Seto Sparkle and her favorite card Blues-Eyes White Baby Dragon! Not to mention her many other cards, most of which are based off of pancakes!


Trixie Knows What You're up too!

I love the amount of shines added to her mane and eyes! Makes me like this even more! Not to mention the cuteness of Trixie alone!


Mares in Black: Smile!

I can this being a thing! I've seen RD and Twi, and now Pinkie and Twi, I wonder which one is better! I say it's the RD one! Wait, what was I just talking about....


The Magic of, um, Magic!

I have no idea what she's doing with her magic, but it looks interesting! I wonder if she plans to do something special with her hoof!


The Power of Darkness!

Twilight looking pretty powerful with that dark magic and pretty cool too! I wonder if she'll ever learn how to control is!


The Sun Over the Water!

Celestia over the amazing raging waters in the morning! Looking over at her reflection and thinking about the sun, and the warmth it gives, and how she manages to give it to all of Equestria!

Good Celly given morning everypony!
