Monday, October 20, 2014

Luna and her Fireflies Means Time to Sleep! Also 500th Post!

Luna loves the Fireflies that love her night! She has brought the moon! So that means it's time to hit the straw! Now now, everypony! Time for sleepy sleep!

Also, YAY! THIS IS THE 500TH POST! Didn't think I'd get this many so quick! But still! Awesome!

Good Luna brought night everypony!


Twilight's Piece of Paper

I wonder what's planned for this random piece of paper! Maybe it's to be written on by Spike! Or it's just, you know, a random piece of paper! Twi doesn't have to be organized all the time!


Twilight Potter!

Twilight as Harry Potter! That's kinda cool! But at this point, she can take out Volde- he who shall not be named with ease! Take that Potter!


It Never Gets old!

Twilight Sparkle as Commander Easyglider, as I've said before, looks super awesome! I don't know what it is, she just looks cool and awesome!


Twilight Reads a Book #2

Twilight looks so comfy! And the shading and lighting here is so amazing! Nicely done basically everywhere! She's seem to be drawn with pillows a lot, I notice!


Trixie's Show

Trixie looks so cute without her hat! Letting her pretty silver mane show! And she looks so happy up on stage! It's the cutest thing!


Twilight Quote #20

"I may be the princess on duty, but I don't think that means I have to sit up all alone doing nothing." ~Twilight Sparkle. She's right, it doesn't, so mingle among your subjects!

Twilight's Strategy

Twilight figures out a plan to take out a powerful enemy! The library! Redecorating and reorganizing it! That will take so long, that she'll forget why she started!


Twilight Reads a Book #1

Twilight lays on her pillow comfortably. Reading a nice book. She's so cute doing anything! And the shading here is very nice! Just makes this better!


Twilight Being Random

Twilight looks so cute here! Even with the random cactus and Pineapple! Twilight Sparkles randomness isn't well known, so when randomness hit's, it hits hard!


Twilight Sees a Book

Twilight's got just about the cutest face here! She saw so many books! She was too happy! And her being that happy made me happy!


Twilight Looks Determined

Twilight's determination in her big eyes! So serious! She'll do whatever it takes to do whatever thing is making her look so serious!


Young Celestia Brings you the sun!

Celestia in her youth, raising the sun and bringing the day! Such a marvelous thing! She looks like shes got the hang of it by now! Which is good!

Good Celestia given morning everypony!
