Sunday, January 31, 2016

Happily Flying Through the Night While you Sleep! Bringing Goodness!

Luna looks so awesome and happy! Flying through the night sky! I wonder when she was able to finally do this and feel so happy!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


Sittin' Cute: Apple Horse Style!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! Applejack looks so cuuuuuuuuuuute! That adorable smile and that cute happy face! Just a nice picture of AJ!


Reading........ At Night!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! Twilight looks so cuuuuuuuuuuuuute! That adorable face, enjoy that cool looking book! So peaceful!



D'aaaaaaaaaaawwww, Twilight looks cute! And does look somewhat look a bird! I think it's just the angle though that's causing it!


Big Magic! Big Pony!

Looks like somepony has had a growth sport! Twilight's huge! She even broke through that house! Hopefully that won't cost too much to fix!


In the City's sky

Twilight looks really awesome flying there with Dash! It's an interesting style and I absolutely love the colors and the detail in that skyline! Very amazing!


Random Image #372

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwww! This adorable and pretty random! A tiny Luna eating a mango off the tree! I've mango is very good!


Apple Therapy

Looks like Twilight's going to be helping AJ understand more things about herself! Hopefully this'll lead to some amazing things!


Helpful Small Apple Pony

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! She's so cute and excited to help somepony get their cutie mark! That'll be a great moment!


BIG Hugs

Looks like brushing your teeth doesn't mean you'll be fully healthy! Colgate seems to be giving Twilight a bit of a weighty hug!


Sparkly Eyes and Great Colour!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaww! Twilight looks so cuuuuuuuuuute! I love her sparkly eyes and the color scheme here!


Books and Book, and did I Mention Books?

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! Twilight looks so cute! I love the style and the way this is colored! Gives off a nice feel!


Pleasant Morning

Celestia looking nice and regal and amazing, and with a banner that can fit her name in! Such an awesome picture of best princess!

Good Celestia given morning everypony!


Saturday, January 30, 2016

The Luna Jumping in Front of the Moon While you Sleep!

Luna looks so cute with that smug ol' smile! I love it! This is very well done! I love the colors used and that amazing background!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


Standing With the Other Apples!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! AJ is such a cutie! I love those beautiful eyes of hers! The the lighting and shading on this pulls it together nicely!



D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! Twilight looks so cuuuuuuuuuuuute! I wonder how often she does or did pretend to raise the sun and lower the moon!


This IS my Final Form!

Twilight in the final stage of her powerful attack! Taking out all enemies that want to mess with her friends or Equestria!


Sparkling Star Power!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! Twilight looks so cuuuuuuuuuuuuute! That adorable face, I love it! I love the coloring done here as well!


Red and Green Cuteness!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! Twilight looks so cuuuuuuuuuute! That adorable little smile on the best pony, and those adorable awesome eyes too!


Random Image #371

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! Fluttershy looks so cuuuuuuuuuuuuute! Those adorable rosy cheeks, and that adorable eyes! Such cuteness!


Reading Looking Extra Cool!

Twilight looks so cool like that! I love this style, it's very interesting and very pretty in my opinion! A happy awesome looking princess pony of awesome!


Sketched Apple Cuteness!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! All those adorable Apple Bloom sketches! Such adorable, Apple Blooming cuteness!


Discord the Cheatconequues!

Discord stop cheating! Twilight won't see it coming and that won't be good for you when she finds you! Twilight's about to get very cold!


Pony Kart, it's not for Everypony

Twilight doesn't seem to be the best at this! I'm sure she'll get better though, it may just take a few tries, and many, many crashes!


The Pretty Style Sunset!

Celestia looking awesome in front of the sunset and enjoying the nice look! I love the colors here, they're very pretty and enjoyable!

Good Celestia given morning everypony!


Balance of Will and Fire!

Wow! This is cool! Twilight half fiery anger and other have cool calmness! She seems to have balanced out her power!


Friday, January 29, 2016

Luna's Wavy Maneness While you Sleep!

This is such a nice feeling picture! Luna on the moon with her amazing mane and tail flowing so nicely and looking so great!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


Lassoin' Skills!

AJ looking awesome with her awesome lasso skills!I love the detail and the style here! It's very nice! I wonder just how she got so good!


Smarty Pants: The Early Year

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! Twilight looks so cuuuuuuuuute! Looks like Smarty Pants looking pretty ragging from the beginning!


Fun at the Library!

A nice reading and studying session is a nice way to spend time with your other book loving friends! I will also say comic books count!


Twilight's Cute Smugness!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! Twilight looks so cuuuuuuuuuuuuute! That adorably cute little smile! It's too adorable!


Gettin' Cheesy

Looks like one of Twilight's nightmares have gotten too terrifying! Also I'd figure that a giant quesadilla monster would "glarga glagle" instead of "Hissssssssssss"!


Random Image #370

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! Those adorable little ponies! They're so cute! I love their manes and tails! So awesome!


Princess Princess Dress

Twilight looking amazing in her princess dress! So elegant! I love the way this is drawn as well! It's very nice! A lot is awesome!


Cutie Apple Tootie!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! Adorable little Apple Bloom! Just the cutest little pony, with her tongue sticking out so cutely!


Snowy Whoay Twi!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaww! This is nice! Twilight looks so cute with that scarf on! I love the way this has been drawn! It's very nice!


Cutetastic Twi!

Twilight looks so awesome! I love her shiny mane and tail, and her very awesome eyes! This is a very nice Twilight!


Pretty Styled Princess!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! Twilight looks so cuuuuute! I love that cute face her hears, and the way she's colored as well! Such an awesome cutie!


The Morning Warrior Princess!

Wow! Celestia seems ready for some action this morning! Or maybe she's going to display why she's the princess, and show some of her skills!

Good Celestia given morning everypony!


Thursday, January 28, 2016

In the Moon Light's Presence While you Sleep!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww, such a cute Luna! Those adorable eyes, and that awesome mane and the awesome night sky there as well!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


The Present AJ!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! Such a great present! Such a super happy smile, and those big beautiful eyes! So much adorable! Ahhhh!


The Frozen Forest

Twilight looks awesome! Flying through the awesome winter sky, and enjoying the nice calm of the frozen forest! I love the detail in this so much!


Twilicat Cuteness!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! Such a cute kitty too! Those adorable little ears and those cute little paws, and that cute nose!


Dropping Like it's Cold

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaww! Twilight looks so cuuuuuuuuuute! Enjoying the snow on her tongue! It's a nice feeling I think! A very nice picture this is!


The Magic's in you!

Yaaaay! So are you, and all of you who take a lot at all these posts! I appreciate all those who look and +1 the posts! You are all magical and awesome!


Random Image #369

Well that's certainly not creepy at all....... Big fishy eyes, staring right at you as they look at you thinking: "Wah wah wah!" Fluttershy sure is okay with nature!


Friendship Sparkles!

Wow! This is amazing! The awesome colors flowing so greatly from her horn! Looking so awesome and pretty! I love all that detail too!


Face to eye Stocks

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! Apple Bloom looks so cuuuuuuuuuuute! Looking at her going face to face with that little snail!


Pajama Twi!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! Twilight looks so cute with those adorable clothes on! She looks so adorably sleepy too!


Tall and Proud!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! Twilight looks so cuuuuuuuuute! Those adorable wings and that awesome expression on her face! Such a cutie!
