Sunday, October 4, 2015

Luna's Nice Night Time Night Adjective!

This is a cool Luna! I like it! It's a pretty interesting style too! The shading texture, and lighting of this is pretty cool! Love that look on her face too!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


Resting Applejack!

D'aaaaaaaaaaww! Adorable AJ looks so cute sleeping on that bale of hay! So much cute from that awesome apple pony!



Oooo, this is awesome! Twilight looks so cute too! I love all the shine in her mane and tail and that awesome cloudy background is awesome!


Licking of Adorableness!

Twilight looks so cute eating that ice cream!  But at the same time she looks like she doesn't like it too much! I wonder what flavor it is!


Adorable Disgruntled Twilight!

D'aaaaaaaaaww! Twilight looks so cuuuute! Those adorable sockies and that adorable scowl! It's so cute! She doesn't look too happy about that outfit!


Spooked Twi is Spooked!

Twilight looks scared of something! But I'm not sure what! Maybe she's spooked by something coming her way! OoOooOo!


Random Image #257

Derpy does not seem very amused here! I wonder what she's looking at that she's unamused about! Maybe a cupcake disguise as a muffin!


The Avatar of Cuteness!

Oooo, this is really awesome! She looks so cute and awesome as the avatar! Controlling all the elements and saving the day!


The Great Adorable Apple Smile

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaww! Adorable happy smiling Apple Bloom! That cute face, she looks so sweet and and awesome! I love this! Especially her awesome eyes!


Lighthouse is Best

Wow! What a beautiful scene! Twilight looking out over the nice lake and doing some exploring! I love just how detailed this location is!


Completed the Puzzle!

Oooo, this is cool! Twilight has just got a puzzle piece for something, I'm not sure what, and she looks adorably happy about it! Also that adorable little fez!


Helping the Sick

D'aaaaaaaaaaaww! This is so adorable! Celestia giving little filly Twi so food while she's sick! That's so sweeet! D'aaaaaaaaaww!


The Morning Dose of Best Princess Cute!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaawww! Those adorable eyes! That sparkly mane, those adorably big fluffy ears! She's so cuuuuuuuute! I love it so much!

Good Celly given morning everypony!
