Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Discord Might not get Much Sleep, but the Rest of you Have to!

Poor Discord, he didn't realize Celestia snores like a wildebeest! He should have thought about this sleepover more! I'd still say yes, because she is best princess!

Goodnight everypony! Wish Discord luck getting to dreamland!

Kitty Twilight!

Twilight looks so cute as a little kitty! I love all the detail that's put into these! I always love Alasou's work! It's always impressive! Not to mention unbelievably cute!

She's Ready for a Storm!

She's ready for a blinding storm! It's gonna be cold! But she can handle it! She's got nice, uh, I'm just going to say leg warmers, and a cool scarf and ear muffs!

Uhhhhhhhhh Twilight

Wow, Twilight really wants her flash card method to work! That's just cruel! Don't worry Rainbow, you'll be fine, just don't say flash cards aren't a good learning method.

Cute Chrysalis #1

Looking like that! How could I not!Whenever you're around me you must be full! I bet even me standing next to you get enough to easily feed yourself!

A Trixie Song!

I can't believe I forgot this song! This song is awesome! And shows the some Trixie's best tricks! If you don't know already, the background has funny things in it. Get the song below!

Celestia Quote #2

"I can protect my subjects! From you!" ~Princess Celestia. Well, she tried anyway. Her one to show how powerful she really is, and bam! Taken down, oh well, at least she lost to Chrysalis.

Twilight Shows you her way of Learning!

Twilight Sparkle has many learning methods, this video showcases her best one! It has everything you could need to learn how to learn something well! Check below the break and see!

Discord and his Crazyness!

This, this is confusing. But then again, when has Discord made sense? He's the spirit of chaos and disharmony. So I wonder if he ever made sense, even once. Can any of you tell me if he ever made sense?

Twilight is Such a Show off!

Twilight's doing her thing and being awesome at magic! Transforming into all those ponies! My favorite transformation is no doubt Celestia! She looks so cute!

Twilight's hit pay Dirt!

She has found gold! A Kindle! She can download and read as many books as she wants! It's like a portable library! She's never going to look away from that thing!

The Cutest way to eat Like a pig!

I just don't know why, but I love this! She looks so cute! Just so happy! That whole scene was awesome! It made me laugh so much! She just looks so cute like a slob!

She Brought you the Morning! Now She's Relaxing!

She's enjoying the morning she has brought! Even looking pretty without her royal boots! But she does look very nice with them, so regal, and elegant! Just as a princess should be!

Good morning everypony! Don't forget to thank best princess for it!