Sunday, September 14, 2014

Twilight's Cuteness to Help You Dream Happy!

Twilight is such an adorable sleeper! She's just so cute! Just so much cute! And with that amount of Twilight love I have shown here.

Goodnight everypony! May Twilight's image in your mind make your dreams better!

Twilight's Journey

Twilight just loves to take a break from reading to just enjoy the forest scenery, at least I assume she does, better yet, this picture makes me think that! Weird.

Twilight Quote #3

"For them! For me! For Equestria!"~Twilight Sparkle. Such a stellar moment! Her resolve brought back by all her letters sent to Celestia that were sent back to her! And that background! Stunning!


Twilight jet is ready for combat over! Wow, this is a cool way to portray the Twilight and Tirek fight. This is definitely awesome! A little confusing, but awesome!

Twilight Didn't do Too Bad

Twilight super charged was awesome! It was cool to see her enhanced magical abilities! Especially her trying to raise the sun and moon! Let's see her try below the break!

Twilight's Theme!

Twilight had a fan made song!? Why am I just now hearing about it! This is awesome! Let the awesomeness of Twilight spread!

Twilight Wants a Story

D'aaawww! Of course I'll read you a story Twilight! Whatever you want to read, I will! I just hope it's a short story and not a novel! Darn, she's so adorable I might actually read a novel!

Adorable Twilight

I always loved Twilight's birthday dress! It made her look so cute! Then again, she always looks cute! Not to mention her adorable dancing! It was so cute!

Twilight Tells You How to Handle a Bad Situation

Twilight has spoken, if you have a problem. Deal With It! She is the best, so who can deny her wisdom, I certainly don't! Remember, best pony, is always right!

Twilight's Food

Twilight heard from Trixie that crackers were good, she doesn't like peanut butter, so she's just eating plain ones. I also just eat the plain ones, we know what the best is.

The Rare Twilight

The Purple-cus Smart-icus, better known as "Twilight Sparkle" Stalks her papery prey, and then lounges! The Book as no chance against its natural predator.

Twilight's First few Flight Attempts

Twilight's new wings had barely been there, she didn't really know how to use them, but thanks to Rainbow she will learn! Get a video of this below!

Twilight's Here! Your Morning is Better!

Luna! Be greatful that best pony is here to greet you this amazing morning that best princess has brought! My morning is already better do to seeing Twilight! Time for yours!

Good morning everypony!