Thursday, April 30, 2015

Watching Over Dreams While you Sleep!

Luna is guiding Sweetie Belle through her mind and her dreams! Once your asleep hopefully Luna will do the the same thing for you!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


AJ Trying Something new

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaawww! AJ looks so cute trying on Applebloom's bow! It looks like she got caught though! Hehehe!


The Mysterious Letter

Twilight getting a nice letter from who knows who for who knows what! I wonder just how many letters Derpy has lost...


A Look of Beautiful Wonderment!

Wow! Everything about this is just stunning! Twilight are absolutely gorgeous here! Not to mention the beautiful background!


The Raging Storm

This is pretty epic! I have zero idea what the context of this is, but it's still awesome! and really epic! Twilight and Spike looking like super heroes!


Agent Trixie

At first I thought this was a reference to Men in Black, then some checking helped me see it was a reference to the Matrix!


Random Image #106

Ack! My eyes!! And this is what happens when you hit the random button on the Pony Creator! You can get these..... things!


The Possible Amazing Future!

Twilight at Celly level power is always awesome! Just look at that stunning flowing mane and tail! Just amazing! I love it!


Twilight Apple!

D'aaaaaawww! Twilight looks so cute as a farm mare! I wonder just how different things would be if this was really how she was.


The Awesomely Evil Princess!

It would interesting to see how Twilight would be if she were evil! And I wonder which ponies could bring her back to good!


Twilight V.S. Trixie Round -1

D'aaaaaaaaaawww! This is so adorable! They're cutely battling each other! Although Trixie can't see, but that makes this so much cuter!


The Confused Look From Style!

Twilight looks so adorable! She looks so confused! Like she doesn't know why she's wearing all that! The adorable confusion on her face!


The Power of Celestia! See the sun up High!

Princess Celestia raising the sun with some flare! See what I did there? That was an unintentional rhyme. This gif of Celestia is awesome!

Good Celly given morning everypony!


Wednesday, April 29, 2015

In the Sight of the Moon! Waiting for you to Sleep!

Princess Luna looks just perfect in front of the moon! Her natural and best setting! Now if there was some water she'd look even better!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


Running Through the Fields!

Applejack looks so awesome running through the fields getting ready to buck apple trees to start her new day!


How to Make Cute!

D'aaaaaawww! She's so cuuuuuuuuuuuuuuute! You're an adorable pancake! But don't  go in the ingredients! I need to still make some!


Cute Little Twi Twitch?

D'aaaaaaaaaww! I'm not sure what she's doing but it's adorable! Like a lot of the things Twilight does! I just love seeing it too!


The Power of Fans!

Context is for the weak! I don't need any for this! But some would be nice here! She looks pretty cool! Reminds me of Avatar!


The True Beauty and Amazingness That is Twilight Sparkle!

I love this so much! The colors! The lighting the shading! Her amazingly beautiful eyes! I don't care if her cutie mark is inverted, this is amazing!


Random Image #104

Well this is very strange, Pinkie's face has shrunken! Maybe she eat a lemon or something, or maybe she, is just being Pinkie!


Seto Sparkle!

Hahahaha! This is awesome! Seto Sparkle and her favorite card Blues-Eyes White Baby Dragon! Not to mention her many other cards, most of which are based off of pancakes!


Trixie Knows What You're up too!

I love the amount of shines added to her mane and eyes! Makes me like this even more! Not to mention the cuteness of Trixie alone!


Mares in Black: Smile!

I can this being a thing! I've seen RD and Twi, and now Pinkie and Twi, I wonder which one is better! I say it's the RD one! Wait, what was I just talking about....


The Magic of, um, Magic!

I have no idea what she's doing with her magic, but it looks interesting! I wonder if she plans to do something special with her hoof!


The Power of Darkness!

Twilight looking pretty powerful with that dark magic and pretty cool too! I wonder if she'll ever learn how to control is!


The Sun Over the Water!

Celestia over the amazing raging waters in the morning! Looking over at her reflection and thinking about the sun, and the warmth it gives, and how she manages to give it to all of Equestria!

Good Celly given morning everypony!


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Preparing to Soar Through Your Dreams as you Sleep!

Luna loves flying through the night sky after she's raised the moon! It's a nice way to enjoy the beauty and calm of what the's brought!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


Happy Little Chibi AJ!

I love that cute little look on her face, as well as her adorable muzzle! It's an interesting design, and I like it! And those eyes too!


Cute Little Fluffy Bunny!

D'aaaaaawww! Twilight as a cute little chubby bunny is adorable! I just love it! I wonder if Angel will like Twi more as a bunny!


Twi Super Sized!

I just now remembered I had a Tumblr tag... Looks like I have some work to do later! Wow! Giant Twilight! That's interesting! I wonder how things'll go for her adorably large self!


An Nice Sideways Look!

A nice pic of good old Princess Twilight Sparkle! And another pic of her with large wings! Those seem to be popular! Almost as much so as her newest mane style!


Trixie's Life Lessons!

Well I guess that's A way to put it, but I'm not sure if it's a good enough reason for doing something like making a toad a 350 meter high death bot...


Random Image #103

I've said this before and I'll say it again, AJ as the engineer feels weird! How would she be able to build much! Either way, random button seems to know I've been playing TF2 recently!


A Nice Bedtime Story From Spike!

This is an adorable switcheroo! Twilight as a little baby dragon and Spike as a unicorn reading her some books as they go to sleep!


Doing Royal Taxes

Ah taxes, the annoying part of Spring that must be done! I once compared it to Elementary and Middle School S.T.A.R. testing; tedious!


Equestrian Airlines

This seems like a very good use for a giant Twilicorn! A nice way of transport that's easy and safe! And backed by a princess! Literally!


A Possible Important Message

Twilight looks like she's trying to get to Luna to tell her something very important! You can tell by the look of urgentness on her face!


Cute Little Chibi Twi!

D'aaaaaaww! Twilight looks so cute! And somewhat confused, but still very adorable! And I think it's funny how the things in the background look like pretzels!


The Incredible Morning Princess!

Celestia looks very awesome and very stunning! I love that look on her face too! It says I am an all powerful ruler! And I love all that detail SO MUCH!

Good beautifully Celly given morning everypony!


Monday, April 27, 2015

Resting on a Cloud While you Sleep!

Luna resting on the soft clouds after bringing the night to a nice start! Relaxing, and watching the ponies dreams from in the sky!

Good Luna given night everypony!

Applejack Sittin' Pretty!

AJ looks so pretty! I just love the way her eyes are! They just look so amazing! I love everything about AJ here so much!


A Nice Night Outside!

This is a very nice pic of Twilight and Spike enjoying some nice toasted marshmallows on a nice calm night! Two happifying pics in a row!


A Pony Back Ride for Best Dragon!

D'aaaaaww! That's so nice! Spike and Twilight playing around enjoying being with each other! I love it! Makes me happy!


Giant Dash, or Tiny Twi?

Wow, one of Twilight's spells REALLY backfired! Just look at her! She's tiny and Dash is huge compared to her!


Their Hair is Amazing!

Hahahahahahaha! This is amazing! I love how true this is of both characters are in their opinions of their hair, and their personalities, along with being hilarious!


Random Image #103

Wow, tough thing from the random button. A wingless Fluttershy with Angel Bunny. I wonder what happened to her wings, and when RD will come and save her!


Loudly enjoying a story!

Twilight must be really enjoying that Game of Thrones book, and waking up Spike in the process! I wonder how much sleep he'll be getting.


The Bench of Books!

The CMC just ruined all those books that Twilight was planning to add to her library! They probably were trying to get their cutie marks in book crafts!


Eggplant Sparkle!

Well this is a bit.... strange. From egghead to eggplant Twi is now a vegetable! And adorable one at that! Yay cute eggplant Twi!


Listen to Purple Smart!

Yeah! I know some of you out there should be studying! And not online! So follow Twi's advice and start you studying! However if like me you don't need to study, don't forget the next post!
