Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Luna Sleeping Cutely Shall Help you Sleep!

Luna sleeping on the moon! It's a good way to show that even at night! The princess of the night has to sleep! Which definitely means that all of you where it's night time need to sleep!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


The Socky Cuteness!

Hnnnnng! She looks so cuuute! Those adorable little socks! That happy look on her face! Not to mention she looks super cute sinking into that cushion!


Cuteness Ready for Winter!

D'aaawwwww! Such cute! So much cute! So cute in her socks and whatever that type of hate is called! It's soooo cuuuute on her!


Cute Little Filly Mustache!

D'aaawwww! Twi looks sooo cute! Such a cute little filly! With that little mustache! I think she "mustache" you a question!............It was funnier out loud!


Where's the Doughnut?

D'aaawww! That's cute! She doesn't know where the doughnut is! I wonder where she thinks it is! She probably thinks it's on the ground or something!


This is her rug!

Twilight is determined to make sure nopony steps on her special rug! The only one who gets to is her! She looks so cute trying to defend it! I just wonder why she's trying to defend it!


Twilight Quote #61

"Freeze ray!" ~Twilight Sparkle as the Masked Matter-Horn. She really didn't know how to do anything for a while! That "freeze" ray just shot a snow ball at a dude's face!

Chocolate Milk Twilight!

D'aawww! She looks so cute! But that's just so messy! I wonder how annoying it is to have to clean yourself when you're done! But she's cute right now! That's all that matters!


Her new Title!

Princess Twilight! Now working for Burger King! That would be interesting! She'll go from princess of friendship, to princess of burgers! I guess she does love a good hay burger though!


Some Cute After the Evil!

D'aawwww! Twi looks so cuuute! And after that last posts, um, lets say, evil! It's good to get back to some cute! Like this! Those shoes and that scarf make her look so cute!


Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh! What!?

Ahhhhhhhh! What the what!? Ahhhhhhh! What in the name of Celestia is this!? I....I.... Ahhhhhhhhhh! I don't know if I want to know!


Didn't Think She'd win!

Okay, Rainbow does have a good voice, but come on! AJ best singing voice! Or I at least thought Fluttershy would win! I love you all seem to surprise me! Get the numbers below!

Source (The actual source for this no longer exists)

Sorry Celly, but you Need to Share!

Now Celly I know you don't get nearly as much super art like Luna, but you still have to share the sun and the moon! You have to share!

Good Celestia given morning everypony!
