Sunday, May 3, 2015

Luna Brings the Sheep While you Sleep!

This is amazing! I just love this! Luna flying up into the sky with sheep shaped clouds so you can count them while you sleep!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


The Newest Apple Treat!

That pony seems confused by AJ's apple on a stick thing! Although I'm also confused, so I can't blame that pony too much.


Some Night Time Studying!

D'aawww! Twilight studying something, but I'm not sure what! Being a princess she must study some pretty important things!


The Pretty Pretty Best Pony!

D'aaaaaaawwww! Twilight looks soooo cuuute! I love the way this was done! The way the colors are and how well they work! Awesome!


The Pancake Princesses!

D'aaaaww! They both look adorable! Twilight and evil Twilight eating a huge stack of pancakes with that awesome mane style!


Warmly Cute Twi!

D'aaaaawww! Twilight looks so cute with her scarf and ear muffs! I just love the shines on her tail and in her eyes!


Random Image #110

Weird OC eating a cracker is very weird! I wonder exactly what's up with his cutie mark though! Oh well! I'm sure it doesn't mean much!


Twilight the Statue

Twilight looks a bit stiff today. What do you guys think? I think she looks a bit... stoned! That joke probably has been done to pieces.


The Anger Power!

Twilight looks really cool! Looks like somepony to be feared! But in a good way! I wonder how many would fear an awesomely dressed Twilight!


Twilight Fantasy V

Wow! Twilight looks pretty awesome! I don't get the Final Fantasy reference here, but Twilight still looks really awesome!


Tiny Magic Researchers!

D'aaaaww! They're on the search for amazing magically marvels! Tiny magic researchers! So adorable! Yeeeeeeah!


She has Special Eyes!

Twilight looks so cute! She's got such an adorably cute and happy face! I love the way her eyes are done here!


Morning Tail Retrieval?

Uh oh! Well this is an interesting way to start a morning! Wacky Discord Taking Celly's tail and her trying to get it back!

Good Celly given morning everypony!
