Monday, December 1, 2014

Go to Sleep With This Beauty in Mind!

Dang it this is super awesome! Luna! I get it! You're beautiful! But I can only handle so much! We need more Celly are like this! There just isn't nearly enough!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


The Snow has Started to fall!

Oh Celly, You're so cute! And if I had snow.... I probably still wouldn't build a snowman! Now if you could come here with some stable snow, I'd build a snowman! I say stable because I don't want to be brought snow, than 2 minutes it all melts!


One of my Favorite Ponymote Things!

This was so funny! And that beginning ponymote for Twi was super cute! But this just in general always leaves me laughing! Oh Twi! You crazy!



Do what you want cause a pirate is free! You are a pirate! Or at least AJ is! But not according to Twi! Twi, let Applejack be the cutest apple pirate around!


Applejack and AJ!

Applejack doesn't seem too amused by her cute little toy copy. The face AJ is making is so cute! I just wonder what she's thinking about the toy!


Shining's Taught her a bit Wrong!

Uhhhhh, Shining, I think you need to teach her better about how to fly a kite! I don't think she's supposed to fly in the air WITH the kite! I'm sure she'll be fine!


Twilight Quote #60

"Looks like Twilight time is over." ~Twilight Sparkle. The CMC got popular by knowing Twilight, and then when it came to showing off Twilght time too much, it blew up in their faces, and everypony elses face's as well!

Eating Santa's Cookies

Hey! Those were Santa's cookies! D'aawwwww! She's too cute! Take the cookies! I don't care! You're way too adorable to deny!

Power Pony Trixie! Captain Cosmos!

Trixie as a power pony! She looks awesome! But the name "Captain Cosmos" doesn't seem good enough. Hmmmm, I know! The Showstopper! I don't know! You guys tell me which you think it is better! OR come up with your own!


Twi as the 10th Doctor

I'm not good with Doctor Who, and for the love of Celestia I'm not going to start into, I don't like starting shows with the show being so far. But this Twi is cute!


Nerdy Twi

D'aawwww! She looks so cute! And ready for anything the day has to throw at her! That is so cute! That alternate mane style is adorable! And so are those glasses!


Learning While all are Away

I wonder which library she's in! A local library, or some sort of royal library, who knows! All of sure of is that it looks pretty late, and I don't think a filly should be outside so late at night!


Morning 1 as Celestia's Student!

This must've been how Celestia's mornings would be like after some time with Twilight as her student! That would be kinda funny!

Good Celestia given morning everypony!
