Monday, July 13, 2015

Making Friends With Fear While you Sleep!

Twilight and Nightmare Moon looking over the night is an amazing sight! I'd love to see a good Nightmare Moon, because Nightmare Moon is awesome!

Good Nightmare Moon given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


Bucking Practice!

AJ keeping her legs strong by kicking that thing and making it say "Oof!" as she strikes it as hard as she can! All that apple bucking does wonders!


A Night With the Book!

Twilight sitting on a comfy pillow reading a book! Twi enjoying the book and hopefully watching that candle!


The Many Awesome Faces of Best Pony!

All the Twi facial expressions! It's like she cloned herself and each one has it's own individual main emotion! I see the angry one, the happy one, the worried one, and the adorable one! Wait, they all are the adorable one!


The Pretty, Pretty Night sky!

Twilight looking up at the stars, seeing the amazing night sky! Look at this amazing background! Along with the amazing shading and lighting of Twi herself! Incredible!


The Future Morning's Day!

Twilight and Spike doing some work in the future! Spike looks cool with that design! I wonder if more people would like him then!


Random Image #179

It seems to be a Princess Cadence base, pretty cool! Also, bald! Bald! Bald! Bald! MY EYYYES! That was one of my fave scenes from that movie.


Boxlight Sparkcube!

Cubelight Sparkle! So cute! Shows that Twi is just as cute in cube for as she is in regular pony form! Hooray for cuteness of all shapes!


Steam Bloom!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaawww! Super cute little, steampunk Apple Bloom! I usually don't like steampunk very much, but this is super cute! I love it!


The Stealth With Cute

D'aaaaaaaaawww! She looks so cute with that sombrero and that fake mustache! She's trying to be hidden! Nopony will recognize her as the princess of friendship!


A Meeting of the Minds!

Twilight, Spike and Starswirl looking up at the night sky! Sounds like something Twi would dream up! Looking up at the sky with a great unicorn spell master!


Up in the air! With Wings!

Twilight in the sky after becoming a princess! Twilight becoming a princess has always been an awesome thing to me! I never understood the drama.


Morning Adorableness!

D'aaaaaaaaaaawww! Nurselestia is sooooo cuuuuute! A nurse of great cuteness bringing the morning! That's so awesome medicine!

Good morning Celly given eveyrpony!
