Sunday, October 19, 2014

While Luna Cuddles the Moon, you all Sleep!

Princess Luna cuddling the sun is such an adorable thing! Makes me happy to see, before you all have to go to sleep! What? I'm not sleeping now! Because reasons!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


Trixie Visits Twilight!

Twilight doesn't seem too happy to see Trixie back in Ponyville. I wonder why. But Trixie from the look on her face looks l like she wants a fight! And maybe a place to stay for a while!


Twilight Best Guitarist!

I can see Twi rocking on a guitar! Because she might be the only pony who can play one! Wings and magic! Best guitarist in Equestria!


Twilight Sees a Snake

Twilight and her fear of snakes! I never got that fear, I think snakes are awesome! Okay, if I ever see Twilight, do not bring a snake. I might magic blasted into oblivion!


Dark Twilight!

If Twilight went dark and evil, I'd still call her best pony! Because that's what she'll always be to me! No matter what happens!


Plain Twilight Sparkle!

Twilight looking awesome! What else is there to say? I'll tell you! I love the way her mane shines! And I love the shading! And that facial expression, she must be looking at books!


Twilight Quote #19

"No, really?" ~Twilight Sparkle. Her sarcasm there always makes me laugh! Someone should make the "You don't say" face into Twilight somehow! That'd be awesome!

Twilight Sparkling!

Twilight sparkling in the light in Winter Wrap Up was so cool! Only Twilight is allowed to sparkle! Because she is! Twilight! Sparkle!


Twilight's new Dress!

I don't know what's with dress, or where it came from, but Twilight looks so pretty in it!  This is a nice design! It's very awesome!


Twilight is Best Owlowiscious!

Twilight looks so cute an the Owlowiscious costume! I just love this! Now we just need Twilight Owlowiscious!


Twilight is Flattered!

Twilight is so flattered! She's so cute and modest! Best pony always try to stay modest! But that doesn't mean you shouldn't accept compliments! You super cute pony you!

Also, note to self: Remember to change my alarm back, when I change it!


Celestia has Raised the sun! Hooray!

Celestia basking in the light of what she has brought! The light of day! I guess if anypony can look into the sun and not go blind, it'd be Celestia!

Good Celestia brought morning everypony!
