Friday, March 20, 2015

Luna has the Night Began! Sleep now Should Start!

The moon being risen ever so gracefully! So awesomely done as well! Showing the awesomeness that is Luna as she graces the us with the moon!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


AJ and her Prize!

AJ looking awesome with one of her favorite things! Her hat! What? You thought I meant the apple? Neeeh! Too easy!


Pinkie Cake Surprise!

That's one surprising cake! And I don't think Twi will be eating that cake! She'll be more preoccupied with figuring out how Pinkie pie!


Cadence in Style!

Cadence looking awesome in that jacket! She looks a lot like Jaden Yuki! I wonder if she ever gets her game on! I love the overall look of this is just awesome!


Twilight's Dream!

Twilight has just found her home! In this huge pile of books! None shall stop her from reading forever and ever in her awesome pile of awesomeness!


Ready for the Mission

Twilight is ready to do something! Looks like she's about to rob a bank or something! Either way, she looks awesome! Best pony looking cool!


Random Image #65

This is a cool Celestia custom brushable! I would love to have this! It'd be so awesome! The random button has shown that it is sensible as well as random!


Sleeping Next to an Open Flame

D'aaaaawww! That's so adorable! And a fire hazard! If she moves too much in her sleep the candle could fall over, light the book, and fwoom! No more Golden Oaks Library!


MLP PMV: Twilightlicious - Remix by Phonybrony

She's the T to the W-I-L-I-G-H-T and ain't no other pony uses magic like she! Get an odd, but awesome video of that topic below!

Learning the Ultimate way!

Learning to the maX! X-TREAM! And she's surfing! Because surfing is X-TREAM! Wow, that got a bit annoying quick. This is the best way to learn how to surf!


Twi's Brand new Dress!

That is so adorable! That is the most amazing dress ever! Soooo cuuuute! She's just so adorable it's ridiculous! Fear the almighty cuteness of Twi!


Spellbook of Wisdom!

Twilight is so happy she found that book! If I remember correctly that's the same book that had the Elements of Harmony in it when Discord hid them.


In the Heart of the Morning sun!

D'aaaww! Celly must be tired after raising the sun! Or She's just being adorable! For now I'll go with a little of both and continue to d'aaaww!

Good Celly given morning everypony!
