Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Great Night sky Flight While you Sleep!

Wow! This is just incredible! All the amazing detail and all the amazing color is just so great! I love that mane style she's got here too, as well as that happy smile!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


The Relaxing Autumn Time!

D'aaaaaaaaaawww! Such an adorable AJ! I love the scenery here and AJ in those adorable socks! They work very well on her!


The Nomming of the beard!

Starswirl looks so confused about what she's doing! She's being adorable Starswirl, and it's an amazing sight to behold! I just wonder how she got there!


The Great and Powerful Who?

I wonder just how things would be like if they did leave Trixie as a boy instead of making him a girl! I wonder how liked he'd have been then!


The Look of Tears

Wow, this is very well done! But poor Twilight, looking so sad. I wonder what she's so sad about, maybe some unseen thing, or just her own thoughts.


The Floating Magical Awesome one!

Wow! This is really awesome! I love the colors and how well they are here! Along with Twilight's face and what she's floating on is pretty cool!


Random Image #247

The Mousse moose looks very delicious! I didn't know that mousse was a king of chocolate, all I know is chocolate and dark chocolate!


Twilight Looking Really Great!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaawwww! Twilight looks so cute and happy! And I like how she's using her magic to hold the artist's signature! Pretty clever! I love the art style here!


Bloombot Arises!

This is cool! Apple Bloom as a robot looks pretty epic! I wonder just how much harder she'd work for her cutie mark as a robot!


The Nice Afternoon!

Twilight looks cute here, and this is a pretty interesting style! Although her wings feel like they are a bit too low, but still, I like this overall!


The Great Evil Caused by the Unknown!

Twilight looks like she's a bit angry, and a bit super powerful and not going to let anypony get in her way of doing what she wants to!


Adorably Happy Cheeky Twi!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaww! Twilight looks so cuuuuuuuute! Looking so adorable laying on that bed! It looks like she's waiting for belly rubs! So cuuute!


Celestia and the Suns!

Celestia looks so cool here! I love all the suns in the image, and Celestia's awesomely long flowing mane and tail! It's so awesome!

Good Celestia given morning everypony!
