Monday, November 10, 2014

If you Don't Sleep now, Luna Will eat Your Dream Cakes!

It looks like something's wrong with Celestia! Oh that's why! Luna's in Celey's dream eating her cake! I hope you all dream of cake!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


Reforming the Changelings!

Hmmmm, looks like trying to integrate changelings into the pony society is going, pretty well! They must be looking for a food source that they don't have to steal!


Sudden Meat Lust!

I still wonder if Twilight ate meat while she was at Canterlot High! According to this pic! She has, and she has taste for bacon now! I also wonder who she got it from!


She's Must be Very Comfy!

D'aaawww! She looks so cute in those pajamas! I do wonder why she's wearing them during the day! I guess they're just that comfortable!


The Ages Have been Switched!

Well this is interesting! A spell of Twilight's goes "wrong", and then becomes ruler of Equestria! For a day at least, hopefully!


She's got Sweet Moves!

I couldn't help it! This is one of my favorite scenes! Twilight dancing is the funniest and cutest thing ever! It's just so much fun to watch!

Get it below!

Twilight Quote #41

"Adventurous, fierce, and undeniably, unquestionably, unstoppable!" ~Twilight Sparkle. And from that moment on, Rainbow Dash's curiosity about Daring Do began!

Staring into you!

Will you challenge Twi to a staring contest! I know I did! It was a close one! But I managed to win! Okay, so I didn't win! You try beating a computer screen!


The Test of the Lake

Twilight has either gotten really good at flying to where she can hover above the water, or she's amazing at balancing! Take your pick on which it is!


The Face of Boredom!

I wonder what has Twilight so bored! Hmmmm, I wonder if she finally ran out of books! Maybe she's waiting for a new amount to arrive! Waiting is the hardest part!


A Nice get Together

Twilight and Rarity are enjoying a nice evening out having some nice hot chocolate! They look so cute and warm! They sure know how to enjoy winter!


The Cute bat Wants the Apple!

Now this is interesting! Twibat is so cute! She sees an apple! And it looks like she's trying not to eat it! I do wonder if all bat ponies suck the juice from apples!


Time to Wake up! The sun is in the sky!

I always liked seeing the sunrise! I'm sure Celestia does too! She's the one who raises it! Looking at it must be like appreciating your own work!

Good Celestia given morning everypony!
