Friday, August 21, 2015

Luna Phasing the Moon, Which Means Sleep!

Princess Luna looks very awesome here! I love her wings! The nice detail, and that amazing shine in her mane and tail! Love the way her mane goes see-through in front of the moon!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


Amazing Applejack Style!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! AJ looks so cuuuuuuuuuute! I love that outfit so muuuuuuuch! I love that hair so much! It's so prettty! I love that look on her face too!


Helpful Big Brother!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawww! Just shows that Shining Armor is an awesome brother! And just how cute little baby Twi is!


Feeling the Power Flow Through

Twilight filled with great alicorn power! Enough to slightly overwhelm her and fill her with great wisdom and knowledge!


A Cute Little Baby Dress!

D'aaaaaaaawww! Cute little Twilight in that super adorable dress! I love it! So cuuute! The look on her face is so cute!


Twi's Happy Cute Smile!

D'aaaaaaaawww! Twi looks so cuuuuute! I love everything about this! Those cute looking hooves, and all the adorable fuzziness!


Random Image #216

Wow! Now this is truly random! A really random image of some random pony seen only one time, and it being a reaction image too!


The Cooking Protector!

D'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaww! Twilight looks so cuuute! Hoarding that cookie! So cute! While Celestia is over there eating her own!


Bloom on an Apple!

D'aaaaaaaawww! Cute little Apple Bloom on that big apple! I love the shading and coloring on this! It's so nice!


Reading up!

D'aaaaaaww! I love this! This is just such a nice picture of Twi! Twilight just relaxing reading a book about humans! Probably got it from Lyra!


Up in the air with Class!

Wow! Look at that awesome Twilight! Love the detail in her wings, and that classical look of her tail and hooves! It's pretty cool!


Twi bot Ready for Programming!

Looks like the Twi bot is doing well so far! She requires books as few, and is very nice! Just make sure she has her book fuel!


The Morning Look of the Princess!

This is beautiful! I love the colorful detail on Celestia! I also really love that look on her face! It's so smug and I love it so much!

Good Celestia given morning everypony!
