Thursday, January 29, 2015

Luna Walking in the sky!

Luna on a nice night walk, er fly, or walk in the sky? I have no idea! Ooo! Maybe she's in the dreamscape! Yeah! Let's go with that!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


Liar Liar!

Liarjack, the ultimate liar! But because of that you can know exactly what the truth is! Just hope she doesn't say something like, you won, because, well you know.


Her Final Form!

Interesting new meme here. I need to figure out how this meme started! But aside from that the reveal is pretty clever! I wonder how long this meme will last!


The Pants Have Arrived!

Such a heart warming picture! Twilight they she got her favorite toy! Smarty Pants! I wonder is she already had her own notebook and quill!


Royal Bath Time!

D'aaaw! That's cute! Woona and Tia playing together! I still do wonder who their parents are, or just who raised them if they didn't.


She's so Cute When She's Surprised!

Wow! That's sooo cuuute! I love that look on her face! The cute blushing! It's sooooo cuuuuute! Celly why you so adorable! D'awwwww!!


Random Image #33

Cool! A Dashie from the random image button! And it's of a cool moment where she balanced a ball, and bounced one on her head!


The Face of Mercy!

Twilight, that looks like a devious smile! Are you up to anything sneaky? Well either way that's a cute smile! I love it!


A Cute Little Winky Face!

D'aaaww! That cute little wink! It's adorable! Chibis are so cute! Somehow smaller things are sometimes even cuter! Such cuteness!


Twilight Under the Stars!

D'aaww, Twilight looks so pretty! It looks like she's lowering those stars down! That's cool! Yay Twi! Powerful and adorable! Best combo!


Facebooking Hurts

Do I even need to say it. Twilight, that's not how you facebook, well I think it is technically, but that's not using Facebook! I didn't think she'd make such a big imprint on that book!


Twi in a box!

D'aaawww! She's so cute hiding in that box! I guess she does like boxes! And why wouldn't she! She's adorable in them!


The Day and Night Contrast!

Best princess and best villain in a nice contrast showing pic is awesome! Although I can imagine a part 2 to this pic being the lunar have trying to take over the solar half!

Good Celly given morning everypony!
