Wednesday, June 10, 2015

The Writing of a Princess Before you Sleep!

Ahhhhhhhhhhh! Massive wall of text! Luna! I think you should learn to make your writing TL;DR friendly! Overall this an incredible picture of Luna!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


AJ not Listening!

Applejack should've listened. Then again, they told her to eat a pear, so it's good that she didn't listen!


Magical Quickness!

Oh that's pretty cool! She used to her magic to grab a piece of tree bark off the tree and used it to deflect some projectiles!


Magical Fire Blastin' Twi!

Twilight firing some awesome unicorn magic! Showing that she is not a pony to mess with! Now if I had magic I would've been like that in middle school!


Reading Together, a Good Book!

D'aaaaaaaaaawww! Spike and Twi reading a book together! Such a nice moment! I always did wonder how two people read a book together.


Trixieing it up! Trixie Style!

Trixie looks awesome here! That look on her face! I love it! I can't quite describe what that face is saying though.


Random Image #152

Sweetie Belle looking awesome as a full grown pony ready to use her special talent and be awesome! Inb4 she's not actually a singer in the show!


The Cheating Ways of Cheating, Cheaters!

I love how Fluttershy is being the most subtle and Pinkie is just looking right at Twilight's paper! I wonder which of them cheats the best!


Apple's Brand new Invention!

Applebloom and Winona watching apples on their brand new Apple T.V.! It's got all the applely goodness you could want in a device!

WARNING: Do not try to eat Apple T.V.


Pinkie Pie Cupcake Surprise!

Sudden Pinkie with cupcakes must be a really startling thing, as well as delicious! Depending on if you've read Cupcakes or not.... man, I really shouldn't have....


An Impossible Choice...

D'aaaaaaawwww! Twilight looks so cuuute! Although she doesn't seem to like the question posed to her. Don't worry Twi! You don't have to choose!


Twi Infamous

Twilight looks pretty cool here! I think I think she's supposed the main character from the Infamous games! Those are some cool games too!


Celestia Looking Pretty in the Morning!

Celestia looks so cute and awesome here! Shining bright like the sun, and being awesome like the day, and just being awesome in general!

Good Celly given morning everypony!
