Saturday, March 14, 2015

She is Watching to Make Sure you Sleep!

Luna truly is The Night! And watching you! Just because she's looking at the whole earth doesn't mean she isn't watching you specifically! You better sleep! Or no dream Luna for you!

Good Luna watching night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


The Head wear switch!

Applejack with Applebloom's bow! That's pretty adorable! Along with Applebloom with AJ's hat! So cute! I just love the cute look on AJ's face!


Video - Twilight & Pinkie Pi!

This song is perfect for today! It's Pinkie and Twi singing Pi! And it's pretty darn catchy! How much can you sing of this? Get the video below!

Twi's Book! It's Huge!

It's so adorable how she's smaller than the book! I wonder how often she came across books that were much larger than her when she was younger!


Ponytail not Pony Tail!

A pony with a ponytail! The thought and sight of that makes me laugh! It's so adorable! Interestingly enough I thought here the ponytail would look like a pony tail on her head!


Move Over Tau!

Twilight! Today is Pi day! Tau day isn't for another 3 months! Now I did a little searching to figure what Twi's symbol meant. I saw so much math my head started to hurt.


Random Image #59

Such a cute and shiny Fluttershy! 'Tis nice of the random button to give a nice Fluttershy! When did I start talking like Luna? Darn Literature and Language Arts book! I'm absorbing the Ye Olde talk!


Pinkie Pie and Twi With pie for Pi day!

Oh yeah! That's right! It's Pi day! So here's Twi and Pinkie Pie with some pie with Pi on it! If I had said that out loud it would've been much more confusing!


The Surprise Attack!

Twilight better get ready for whatever RD and Pinkie have planned for her! Maybe the plan to uh... Hmmm, I don't have a good guess! Maybe they just plan to tackle her!


She Lives!

D'aaawww! Twi with suddenly alive Smarty Pants pony! That's adorable! Twi's magic must've been a few leagues higher when she was a filly!


The Look of Determination!

Twilight looks ready to take on anything! You never know what she'll be doing with that face! She must be looking at something that requires a lot of thought and understanding!


The Power in one!

Uhhhh, I'd rather not! You look kind of terrifying! This is an interesting concept! Twilight controlling all the elements of harmony! How powerful would she really be?


Raising the sun! With a Guest!

Well that's one way to rise with the sun! I prefer to wake up 3 hours after the sun rises, or sometimes later than that. It depends on how late I stayed up!

Good Celestia given morning everypony!
