Sunday, January 18, 2015

Woona Giving Somepony the Moon Before Sleeping?

D'aawww! Woona is so cute! This is just adorable Luna holding the moon! But it leaves me wondering if she's going to raise it like that.

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


Flying all but one

Hmmmm, AJ needs something that flies! That's all her and she'll be in the air with the rest of the mane 6! Hmmmm.... I got it!


Co-op Gaming With Luna!

Twilight and Luna playing a game co-op together! I just wonder what game. May be CoD, or Battlefield. Either way, co-op is best friendship gaming method!


A Soon to be Epic Battle!

Twilight and Trixie look ready to have an awesome magical battle! I wonder how that'll go with Twi being an alicorn! Trixie may need the alicorn amulet to have at least a close chance!


Twilight the Zebra?

Twilight looks pretty as zebra! I wonder what type of spell she used to have this happened! From the look on her face it may have been an accident.

Twi the Professor!

Well Twilight knows how to fancy up her look! Just look at her! Looking suave and sophisticated! I just want to sit next to her! Or stare, either one works.


Random Image #25

Interesting Random Image, I'm pretty sure that that is indeed Derpy's ID. But this guard seems a bit dim, so she may need to turn arou- Oh my...


Celestia in the Winter

This is pretty cool! A bit weird in the face area, but everything else is well done! Overall this is adorable! Celly is ready for the Winter!


Trixie VS Juice bx

Trixie, um, I think you need some help with that. Just a thought! Considering it looks you're having some slight difficultly with it.


Twilight Looking Awesome, Naturally!

Wow! This is pretty awesome! That shading is pretty good! I love the colors seem well blent with the light and shaded parts of her. Also, those marvelous eyes!


A new Trixie Tumblr!

A High School Trixie Tumblr, this seems to be a brand new ask blog! Came out 3 days ago! Cool! I may watch this one! Sounds interesting!


The Beginning of Something odd!

Dat crossover! This looks likes something I'd come up with! Me being a big Pokemon fan,and being a fan of Sonic! I wonder what this would actually be like!


A Morning of Thought

Celly looks like she's thinking of something, but what could it be? It could be anything! I just don't have the slightest guess what it could be!

Good Celly given morning everypony!
