Sunday, October 5, 2014

Nightmare Moon is Letting the sun Rise Tomorrow, so Sleep While you Have the Chance!

Nightmare Moon is one of the cutest little sleepers! Seeing her happy is nice! But she might just be happy that it's night time. Oh well, at least she is happy!

Good Luna given night everypony! Enjoy dreamland!


I Want Discord's Crazy Weather!

Looks like he's preparing to for a forecast of chaos! Muahahahaha! I'll take some chocolate milk from one of your finest chocolate milk clouds please!


It's Stronger Than Apple Cider!

Hey Applejack! Do me a favor and feed that to the grass. You don't need that, although, you do work hard. Poor Applebloom, she looks so sad. You're better off anyone Applebloom.


Rainbow Dash Lookin' Okay

Wow, just wow! NO! No blushing! This is Dash! Even if she has that gaze, that radiant mane and tail. Snap out of it! This is a very well done picture of Dash!


Cute Twilight #7

HNNNNNNNNNNNGGGG!!! My cute-o-meter has taken some beatings today! And this didn't help! Twilight is, is just too cute with that expression on her face!! Squuee!

Source to death by cute!

Trixie looks Sneaky

She's got an evil look on her face, and a dark cape and hat. I see nothing suspicious about this. All I see is Trixie being her cute self!


Luna Quote #1

"Faaace! Yooour! Feeeaaars!" ~Princess Luna. Good words for a scared Scootaloo! Or anypony for that matter! I need to do this more! So I can sing around people!

Twilight has her ways of Defending her Books

Twilight and Spike using their lightsabers to protect her books from evil! A bit extreme if you ask me, but then again, there are a lot of evil around her, so I guess this is appropriate.


Princess Headcanon Fuel

This was one of the coolest parts of the finale! Giving way to headcanons on magic, that flowing mane thing! And that's so cool!! She's getting a flowing mane like Celestia and Luna!! Tell the world of your theories that this scene spawned!


Twilight at the Store

What to say first. Ahem. DIIIIIIIIIBS! SHE'S SO CUTE! LOOK AT THAT! IT'S TOO CUTE! *calms down* *lowers volume* It works Twily, it works.


Summer Twilight

Twilight you look so cute here! That big happy smile! Those big inviting happy eyes! It's just so cute! I'd love to got to the beach with Twi!


The Winner of the Most Recent Poll!

Okay, so due to the tie, the winner will be the pony with the least amount of votes on the poll. So that means Princess Luna wins! But do to her, way of "winning", I've got my own twist on it! See it below the break!

Luna Needs to Lower the Moon!

Luna you sneaky! Put the moon back! She just raised the sun! And that moon face! You troll Luna! Well, Celestia seems shocked! This is a weird way to start your morning. You're welcome!

Good Celestia brought morning everypony!
